new is 32 with faux italics
old is about 30
For both chapters:
++ the main dialogue font, wild words, is a touch to big. recommend decreasing by 2 pts across all bubbles. With the exception of especially empty bubbles like in ch 124, page 39, panel 2 and 3. right now its too big overall so you're running into situations where the text blobs will almost touch like in ch 125, page 45, panel 5, bubble 2/3. also, you should try not to get too close to the edge of the bubble. leaving some margin makes it easier to read, kinda like why when you write a report you don't go all the way up to the edge of the page.
++ don't use faux italics. this: , use real proper italics and bold like shown here: . i'm not familiar enough with wild words to spot it right away, so please double check all of the bubbles for faux bold and faux italics.
++ [suggest you learn how to denoise raws if you don't get it, lmk and i'll do it for you]
ch 124
-- page 40
++ panel 1, bubble 2 remove crossbar I from "nice". see this link for the reason why:
ch 125
-- page 45
++ already mentioned but, panel 5 decrease the font size to better sperate the two text blobs in bubble 2/3.
++ [panel 5, bubble 4, suggest to change to CC Maladroit or creative block]
-- page 46
++ panel 2, bubble 1 remove crossbar I in "it's"
++ panel 2, bubble 2 remove crossbar I in "it's" (the repeat comment is not a mistake, the same comment for both bubbles)
++ [panel 3, bubble 2, suggest to change to CC Maladroit or creative block]
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