My Graduation by Pikachi TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —01 -1 Agano Girl’s High School Graduation -2 Here’s the Class Rep’s yearbook. When you’re done writing in it, pass it to the next person. -7 Thump —02 -1 The feelings… I couldn’t say for three years… -2 I left in Ono-san’s yearbook. ###box And then I graduated. ###box Class Rep, Thanks for taking care of us for three years! Even though you’re so tiny, you always worked so hard to encourage us. After you graduate, keep on supporting others, ‘kay? Kayoko. ### center of page Ono-san’s the one I loved ###in highlighted area Whoa! Who’s this? Ba-da-bing! Class Rep, your so cute ### Notation by thumb, with arrow My Graduation Pikachi —03 -1 It’s been a couple years since then… That dream again… I didn’t get a response from Ono-san. -2 sfx- Tunk I mean… -3 From Ono-san’s point of view, I’m just a creeper classmate. sfx- Tap I doubt we even talked more than twice. -4 But even so, back then I had hoped that “Maybe she will…” And because I felt that way, I wrote down my email address. -4 And even now I hope that “Maybe she will…” And because I feel that way, I haven’t changed my email address. -5 Blink ###on phone Vrrr Vrrr —04 -2 Class Reunion — Hello, this Ono. It’s been a while since graduation, huh? So we are holding a class reunion this month. Schedule Jan (Sat) 18:00-20:00 It’s at restaurant Yuhi near Agano High. 3000 yen. -3 P.S. Sorry I never answered you back. -4 Wut? —05 -1 O-Ono-san… sfx- Beep Can this be real…? -2 Calm down. Calm your ass down. Right. It’s been years now. It’s just a reunion announcement. sfx- Th-thump ###repeat -3 And she’s probably had a boyfriend all this time. -4 Sigh -5 But even so… -6 Even if it’s just a notification email, I have been waiting… -7 Beep ###in bubble To hear from the one I love. Class Reunion Save/Delete Message Saved —06 -3 It’s Hikawa Rena. I’ll attend. Thanks for letting me know. -4 Message Sent Your message has been sent Ok -5 I… sent it… sfx- Tremble —07 -1 Vrrr Vrrr Vrrr Vrrr sfx- Jolt -2 Rena-cha! So this was your email, huh? Imaginary Figure Sorry I never responded. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the reunion. sfx- Th-thump Th-thump -3 Aww… -4 sfx- Ehe… Onee-san, you’re grossin’ me out. sfx- Scary… —08 -1 Day of the reunion. -2 Wow! It’s been so long! Wha? been well? What about your kid? I left her with my mom. sfx- Clamor Clamor -3 So where are you living now? I’m in Gunma. I’m still at home. sfx- Clamor Clamor -4 Rena-chan! —09 -2 It’s been a while! Ah… -3 Y-yeah… She hasn’t changed at all. -4 Same unruly hair. Same height. -5 Same eyes. Rena-chan, can I sit next to you? Same way of talking. —10 -1 Just like back then. Good bye. She hasn’t chang… -2 Heya! Take-san and Minorin! What’cha been up to? sfx- Shove -3 You get a boyfriend? I’m still drawing manga in Tokyo… Takeyama ###arrow As for a boy… You got published? You shoulda told me! -4 And whadda ‘bout you Minorin? sfx- Flinch —11 -1 I’m a pastry chef at the Asama hotel. sfx- Geez -2 Cute… Eh? Minorin, you can cook? H-hey! Yeah, I can! -3 What about a boyfriend? Um… Well… -4 sfx- Th-thump Th-thump I don’t have one. -5 Whew -6 Whaaat? Everyone’s still single! And what about you, Hikawa-san? What are you doing now? —12 -1 …I’m a PE teacher. At a Middle School. -3 Rena-chan… You achieved you dream, huh? -4 Huh? How did you know? -5 Ta-dah! It was in the yearbook stories, right? -6 Whooooa! Knew we could count on you, class rep! Ono Minori’s totally on it! sfx- Bam —13 -1 Show me! Show me! sfx- whoosh sfx- Uh… Uh… Geez, Yamada’s totally like Bart Simpson ### she actually refers to Kouda Takeshi (Jyaian) from the doraimon series -2 Well, she’ll give it back eventually, right? But… -3 Do you have a boyfriend, Higawa-san? I don’t. sfx- Blunt -6 Nn… Ah, well… Rena-chan… —14 -1 Back in high school, You were in the volleyball club, right? I thought you were so cool and dazzling. When you were doing volleyball. -2 I wanted to watch closer. I want to cheer you on from the baseline… -3 When we got close to the bench… The ball was about to hit me. -4 You protected me… But… You hurt your arm. And you couldn’t play in the game. -5 I… Apologized a lot. And then even though we were in the same class for three years… —15 -1 That was the only time we talked together. -2 Yeah… That’s because I wasn’t good enough… -3 So don’t worry about it. So that’s how it seemed to Ono-san… -4 Thumpa Thumpa Thumpa Minorin! Thanks for the yearbook! -5 But I have always wondered about one thing. This last inscription, here… -6 Who wrote this…? Ono-san’s the one I loved —16 -1 Hey! Hey! Let’s text that number now! sfx- Excited Hey now, That email is now years old. They must have changed it by now. -2 But listen, Yamada… I heard you’re shacking up with someone! Let’s have a good chat over there! ###handwritten It’ll be good research for my manga, so give me the deets! Yeah, baby! I’ll give you the naked truth! -3 Tap -5 The feelings I never could say back in high school… I held them close… And graduated. -6 Rena-chan. sfx- Twitch And it’s been a couple years since then. ###under panel —17 -1 Tap. -2 You didn’t change it. Right? -3 Yeah. -4 We finally have met again at the reunion. And she hasn’t changed at all. What about… This? Ono-san’s the one I loved —18 -2 It’s changed. -4 What’s different is… Back then I could only muster up A tiny bit of courage. -5 Ono-san’s the one I loved -6 Ono-san’s the one I love I do. —19 -1 I still do. The fact I have the courage to do this… -2 Rena-chan, keep your finger there. ‘Kay. -3 Even thought it’s taken a lot of time… I love ###page you too. -4 On this day I’ve heading into my second graduation. —20 -1 Just between us, the person I’m living with isn’t a guy, it’s a girl. She’s sooo cute. ###handwritten But that’s another story.