Sachi and Yuuka Chapter 1 by Shibara Hiro TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by — for example, page one is: —1 ### Panel numbers indicated by - for example, panel one is: -1 ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. —04 This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people, groups or situations is purely coincidental. —06 -1 Chapter 1 > 005 ###etc. —07 -1 Chapter 1 —08 -2 sfx- Click Ukyou ###larger name Sakai —3 Ka-thmp -4 I’m home! —09 -1 Welcome home. -2 sfx- Ka-cha Aaah… So sick of dealing with old guys all day. sfx- Takka takka -3 Sachiiii Give me some lovin’ pleaaaase! sfx- Whumf Gimme a break! I’m in a flow right now! -4 Whaaa?! You love that laptop more than me! I’m working, ok? sfx- Pissed ###over Yuu’s head C’mon ###small handwritten on left -5 I’m making dinner, so let’s eat first. —10 -1 We’re having hotpot with burdock and konyaku… sfx- Takka takka -2 Miso soup with tofu and fu… ### fu is: sfx- Shudder Uugh sfx- Smoosh -3 Yuuka! Hey! Stop it! -4 You said I should eat… I’m doing want you want ###handwritten right Hey ###handwritten I’m talking about dinner! -5 I haven’t taken a bath since the day before yesterday! -6 I know. sfx- Lick sfx- Kyaa —11 -1 We live together. Tell me something I don’t know. -2 If you do, then stop already! -3 That’s all just lip service… sfx- Strip Strip -4 See, look how excited you already are! Whoaho! -5 Hey… Your body tells all… Sachi… —12 -1 Fuck off! sfw- Wha-pish -3 It’s been two years since we started living together. Grown in Chiba Pref. Bell Pepper ###lower right Grown in Kumamoto Pref. ###bottom Grown in Gunma Pref. Kintarou Tomatoes -4 Three days for double points -5 Yuuka was my friend in college. We got it on once, and things just slid into us being together. —13 -1 Just what the hell would you call us? Friends? Lovers…? -2 Fuck buddies… I heard the news! -3 Your daughter’s getting married! That’s right. -4 Congratulations! And someday, this relationship… -4 Will come to an end, I suppose. Twice Cooked Pork ###both boxes are the same -5 Since Yuuka’s working on her day off I’ll make something she likes. -6 No, this one is better, I’m telling you! —15 -1 Twice Cooked Pork -2 sfx- Peel Well -3 Nothing strange about it, right? -4 I mean, it’s not like Yuuka and I are… Going out… sfx- Chop chop —16 -1 Ow! -3 That hurt… -4 I’m hoooome… —17 -1 Yuuka… -2 So Fuckin’ Hot! -3 Sachiii —18 -1 Don’t you come near me! sfx- Shwing You terrorist! -2 You were at the supermarket today, right? Weren’t you supposed to be working? On your day off? Ugn -3 That guy you were with?! Who’s that?! -4 You two going out? —19 -1 He’s… My older brother… -3 My brother just moved back home. And Mother’s day is here, right? My bro wanted to give her flowers, so I went to get some with him. You know about flowers ’n shit, right? Guess I gotta, if it’s for mom. -4 If so, Then there’s no need to lie, right? sfx- Rummage Rummage -5 Huh? —20 -1 You still haven’t remembered? sfx- Whish -3 Celebrating 3 years of living together We’re always gonna be together! Sachi, I love you so much! Yuuka —21 -1 It was today…? Damn girl, you didn’t remember? sfx- Wobble wobble ###right sfx- Clatter ###bottom sfx- Dooong -2 Well, even though it is so like you, Sachi, please don’t forget. ###bold or italicize “so” Hmph -3 At least remember our anniversary, please. ###bold or italicize “At least” -5 Thanks, Yuuka… It’s been a while since you’ve given me flowers… sfx- Awww -6 Click —22 -1 VrrrmVrrrmVrrrrm -2 sfx- VrrrmBzzBzzBzz Surprise! -3 This one’s got a suction cup! Which one do you like better? You suck! Chapter 1 END ###under panel