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File: blahblah01.jpeg -(1140290 B, 1332x1864) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1140290 No.25422  

One-shot, 8 pages.


>> No.26095  
File: Goodbye, Sleeping Beauty.txt -(2638 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yet more Culture festival action. Content warning: box it up and move it on, sleeping beauty gets to sleep with someone by default, kiss count = 1.

>> No.26111  

Looks old-school and short? I'll slowly edit this.

>> No.26115  

I said slowly but I ended up finishing it in a day. Here's the chapter for PR/QC, no credits yet.

>> No.26123  

Added a QC. Might need some boke review.

Hey Martin, did this come from anywhere in particular? Specifically a Galette, Yuri Hime, Hirari, or Tsubomi issue? No prob if not, just seemed like it could be

>> No.26124  

It came from her Fanbox. She usually includes a little blurb for each manga about where it was published and when it was released, but I no longer have access to that info. Sorry, wish I could be more help!

>> No.26125  

Suggestions applied. Added credits. Feel free to review it, Boke.

I'm not doing the sign on the first page (actually, I'm relieved Boke didn't translate it). It would've been nightmare to typeset. And with that little space, I don't think it'd look good/readable either.

>> No.26127  


Page 4 panel sfx should be "blink"

Page 5 flow should be:

Sleeping beauty...
Is woken up...
Will Mikika...
By someone else's kiss?

Otherwise, looks great!

>> No.26129  


Should be ready for release.

>> No.26133  

Just one suggestion here:

Page 05:

>Have they...
>...figured out the day you move?

I think this is a little awkward as-is, I'd prefer something like "Have they... decided on a moving day?" "Have you... figured out your moving day?" "Do you... know when you're moving?"

>> No.26137  


>> No.26145  

Released. Good work.

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