Someday, We'll Get There By Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/32 (00550.jpg)] (flt) ぷはっ (sfx) Aaaah じゃ…あてゃまかせたわ take care of the rest. かしこまりました It shall be done. [2/32 (00551.jpg)] 格ゲーと、わたしたちのこれから Fighting games, and us from now on [3/32 (00552.jpg)] (flt) アア Aah (flt) ゴゴゴ doom doom doom 今どんな感じ? How's it looking now? 四条が9連勝中 Shijou's on a nine-game win streak. ミノちゃん… Mino-chan... いろいろ覚えて前より上手くはなってるだけど…… You've learned a lot, and you're better than you used to be, but... [4/32 (00553.jpg)] (sfx) ダアッ whap (sfx) ド pow ……強い ...She's so good. これが本気の四条ちゃん… This is what Shijou's like when she's serious... 四条… Shijou... 徹底してるね… You're not pulling any punches... 中距離の右横移動で主力技を封じっつ… Shutting down her go-to moves with mid-spaced side-movement to the right... (flt) うおおお‼ Rrrraa! (sfx) スカッ whff (sfx) スッ step (sfx) ダダダ tup tup tup (sfx) バリバリ shatter (sfx) ダアッ pow ステップからの技や万聖ニャン砲券を誘って置き技で潰す And baiting a move out of dash or the Holy Kitty Claw and putting out a move to stuff it. [5/32 (00554.jpg)] 2発目上段の初段ガード後途中でしゃがめる連携には… On a multi-hit move with a high second hit you can crouch after blocking the first... (flt) 立ち途中 while rising (sfx) スカッ whff (sfx) スッ flt (sfx) ド whud 確実に追い突きからダメージを取っていく… You punish reliably with a WR2 and put on the damage afterwards... 下がるのが上手い…二択がクリーンヒットする距離まで潜らせてくれない She's keeping her distance well... Not letting her get in far enough for her mixups to get a clean hit. (sfx) ゴゴゴ… doom... 遠い… So far away... 自分のターンで近距離戦ができない When I get a turn, I can't get any close-quarters combat. (sfx) スカッ whff (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) バキッ smash [6/32 (00555.jpg)] 四条…スカ取るのうまいな Shijou... really has those whiff punishes down. 意識配分ってやつ? I guess she knows what to pay attention to. ミノちゃん… Mino-chan... この圧倒的実力差をどうやって崩す? How can you overcome this overwhelming skill gap? このままじゃ10連敗…… That makes ten straight losses... 勝ちたい… I want to win... でもどうしたら…… But how...? 『当たるタイミング』で技を出せば勝てるゲームってことだね It's a game where you can win as long as you throw out a move when it'll hit. ババァさん… Hag-san... (sfx) ススス shf shf shf 動き回るのをやめた…? She stopped circling...? [7/32 (00556.jpg)] (sfx) ピクッ twitch (sfx)ドン smash 鉄山靠‼ Shoulder slam!! 動き出しに技を置かれた… She put out a move when I started my movement... 鉄山靠は発生12Fでダウンを奪える強技だけどそれ相応のリスクを伴う… The shoulder slam is a strong move that can knock down and comes out frame 12, but it comes with a proportional risk... 今日初めて生で打ってきたわね… Today is the first time she's hit me with it raw... (sfx) ドドド doom (sfx) スタッ pap (sfx) ピタッ fwt …まだここじゃない ...This still isn't it. ここで…最速で技を出してもガードされるだけだ… Here...Even if I do it frame-perfect, it'll just get blocked... [8/32 (00557.jpg)] (sfx) バチチッ ka chik chik 鉄山靠‼ Shoulder slam!! (sfx) ドカッ ka-smash なだ四条が動くタイミングで強引に捻じ込んだ! She forced her way in using the timing of Shijou's movement again! 気持ちが入ってる…! She's putting her heart into it...! 今の鉄山靠は……強い‼ That shoulder slam just now was...great!! [9/32 (00558.jpg)] (sfx) ア Ah 2度目の鉄山靠で固まったところに下段の猫王壁靂掌! A low Cat Thunderbolt Claw while she was in cooldown from the second shoulder slam! (sfx) バ fwssh 格闘ゲームは技の出し方で気持ちが相手に伝わる… In fighting games, you communicate your feelings based on how you put out your moves... 四条は今…ほんの数秒間殺意に飲まれて動けなかった‼ Right now, Shijou...couldn't move for a few seconds, consumed by a thirst to kill!! これは…状況確定する下段‼ This is...a low that will define how the game proceeds!! 感じる… I can tell... ミノが…殺しにきた… coming in for the kill... (sfx) ドドド doom 置き攻め… Okizeme... ここはしゃがんじゃダメ! I can't crouch this! [10/32 (00559.jpg)] (sfx) ウオオアア Uooaagh (sfx) カチッ chak あっ… なんで……? Ah... Why...? しゃがんじゃった…… I crouched... (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) ドカッ ka-blam [11/32 (00560.jpg)] うまくいった… It worked... でも四条ちゃんに続けて同じ攻めは通用しない… But if I keep coming in on Shijou-chan the same way, that isn't going to fly... きっと技を出すタイミングを変えてくるはず I know she'll be changing up the timing on her moves. 次のR… Next round... 鉄山靠はあえて使わない I won't use the shoulder slam if I can help it. (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) ドッ pow (sfx) ヤアア Yaaah (sfx) チュウゥッ smack (sfx) ガッ bang (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) メリゴリ scrape あれ Huh? なんか普通に対戦できてる Now it's like they're just fighting like normal. 四条のリズムをうまく崩せた She managed a good job of breaking Shijou's rhythm. 四条は鉄山靠を意識してしまう Shijou's respecting the shoulder slam. ミノ…精度が低い山ステやピントのズレた横移動しゃがみを捨てたね Mino...has given up on her inconsistent Korean backdashes and unfocused side-movement, huh? その分状況判断に意識を割くようになった It was like it was shredding her situational judgment. このほうが今のミノちゃんには合ってるかな I guess maybe this is better for Mino-chan for now. [12/32 (00561.jpg)] ババアさん… Hag-san... ミノちゃんは綺麗な良い目をしてるね Mino-chan, you've got a good, clear look in your eyes. ババぁさん… Hag-san... 目の前にあるものを意識して… Be aware of what's before your eyes... 動じず焦らず Without being frustrated, or rushed その瞳でよく見てごらん And take a good look with them. そうすれば If you do 他の誰とも違う… You might be able... あなただけの道を見つけることができれかもしれない To find a path that's yours alone, and no one else's. 私だけの… A path that's... 道…… Mine alone... [13/32 (00562.jpg)] (sfx) ビシッ bap (sfx) イテッ ow これはギリ見えないやつ…でも安い I could barely see that one...but it doesn't matter. 喰らっても動じない…焦らない…‼ Even if I take it, it doesn't frustrate me...doesn't rush me...!! (sfx) スッ clench 固まった? She hit a button? じゃあ…もう一発‼ Okay...One more shot!! (sfx) ザッ fwt (sfx) カッ flash (sfx) ステ~ン whuush 下段さばき! Low parry! 反応が異常に速かった… Her reaction was abnormally fast... まさか…あえて打たせて見てからさばいた…?発生20F以下の技を…⁉ Can't be...She parried on reaction right after she got hit...? Against a move that comes out frame 20...‽ [14/32 (00563.jpg)] …見つけた ...I've found it. 私だけの… My, and only my... 二択潰し Mixup denial. …これは ...And now 地獄の釜が開いたな The cat's away, so the mice are gonna play, huh? …何それ ...What are you talking about? [15/32 (00564.jpg)] 最後R…流れはこっちにある Final round...The momentum's in my favor. (sfx) ドド doom 四条ちゃんはこういうとき…開幕下がって様子見することが多い At times like this...Shijou-chan will often back up and wait on startup. その懐に潜り込む! I can slip in that gap! (sfx) ドガッ wham (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) チュウッ smack 開幕… A startup... 最速左突き上げ! Frame-perfect left launcher! 四条ちゃん…? Shijou-chan...? [16/32 (00565.jpg)] (sfx) ドッ whack (sfx) ゴッ pow (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) バキッ crack (sfx) メキャ snap [17/32 (00566.jpg)] 相打ち! A double hit! 火事場発動… ここで…ふたたび二択潰し… Desperation activates... And now... Another mixup denial... (sfx) ギロリ leer (sfx) ヅトッ thump …おもしろい 乗ってやろうじゃない ...Interesting. Let's do this. どれだけ反応が良くたって…モーション次第で見えないものは However good your reactions are...If the animation doesn't show you what's next 見えない! You can't tell what's next! (sfx) バ fwssh [18/32 (00567.jpg)] (sfx) スカッ whf (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) ハ gasp これは…下段一点読みの生ジャンプ‼ This...A raw jump to hard read the low! 二択潰しをフェイントに使ってきた… She came in and feinted a mixup denial... 遅ライ! Delayed hopkick! (sfx) オヴ augh …からの ...Off this 普通のコンボじゃギリギリ倒しきれない… A normal combo will just barely leave her alive... なら In that case 実戦での成功率は低いけど… I have a low success rate in real matches, but... [19/32 (00568.jpg)] (sfx) ドッ pow (sfx) ガッ fwip (sfx) ド pow (sfx) バ fwssh [20/32 (00569.jpg)] (sfx) ぷっ pft ははは Ha ha ha! まさか死ぬとは思わなかったわ! I didn't think there was any way I'd actually die! ニャンポーの火事場アーツキャンセルコンボ…減りすぎでしょ‼ A Nyanpow desperation art cancel combo...Way too much damage!! (flt) あー aah ドキドキしたー My heart was racing! ミノ Mino [21/32 (00570.jpg)] 一回勝っただけで終わりになんてしないわよね? It's not over just 'cause you won once, y'know? もちろん Of course not. ここからまくるよ There's more on the way. …この勝負いつまで続くの? ...How long is this fight gonna last? 四条おわってよ Wrap it up, Shijou. やだ Nu-uh. [22/32 (00571.jpg)] 花火? Fireworks? 夏といえばこれげしょ! It's Summer! You gotta! みんなでやろうよー We can all do it together! 私…花火ってすきじゃないんだよね… I'm...Not a fan of fireworks... あの画と音が同期してない感じが気持ち悪くて… The image and the sound aren't in sync, which makes me not feel so good... (flt) ディレイかけて音だけ遅れてくるなつっていうか? Like, I dunno, would it kill you not to delay just the audio? (sfx) 。。。どーん 。。。Boooom (arrow) 遅れ late (flt) おいおい Hey, now 打ち上げ花火じゃないから It's not like they're fireworks that you launch. 私花火やりたいです! I would like to do fireworks! 普通にやるでしょ Just do 'em like a normal person. まぁやりたくない人は無理にやらなくても… Well, even if you don't want to, if you force yourself not to... やればいいんでしょやれば! Fine, I'll do it! Is that what you want‽ [23/32 (00572.jpg)] …そういえばこれあったわ ...By the way, I noticed this. (flt) よそ見あぶないよ It's not safe to look away …え ...What? 本当にあったんだ… It really did exist... この秘伝書は全部で7冊あると言われていて They say this book of secrets has seven volumes 世界中に散らばった秘伝書を揃えたとき真のネコマンジ党総裁として… And when the book of secrets, scattered throughout the world, is assembled, the true president of the Nekomanji Party will... (book) マスター忍者流 School of Master Ninja (book) 秘伝書 Book of Secrets ふーん Hmmm. じゃあ暇な時に探しとくわ Well, I'll look for 'em when I've got jack all to do. 私も別キャラで遊んでみてきづきました And I realized while I was playing around with other characters ミャオって強い技揃ってますね Myao's got a lot of strong moves, doesn't she? (flt) たまには頭のネジ外してブッパナそうかと Like, sometimes, I'll just go nuts and throw something out それに… What's more... ミノちゃんたちの対戦を見てたら After watching Mino's games with everyone 自分に足りないものがわかった気がします I feel like I understand some of what my own game is lacking. それはよかった That's good. …で ...Now [24/32 (00573.jpg)] あっちの二人は…… The two over there... 結局四条ちゃんの圧勝だったね You ended up wiping the floor with me, Shijou-chan. そんな簡単に追い抜かされたら立場ないわよ If you could outstrip me so easily, I would have zero cred. でも…今日のミノは But... During today's matches 対戦しっててちょっと恐かった You had me sort of scared. (sfx) ポトッ plop 私…格闘ゲームと出会うまでは人と戦うなんてこと考えもしなかった Before I crossed paths with fighting games...I'd never even thought about fighting someone. でも四条ちゃんと対戦してるときに気づいたんだ But when I've been playing you, I've realized 私は自分が思っていたよりも頑固で I'm more stubborn than I thought 負けず嫌いなんだってこと and I can't stand losing. 強くなりたい… I want to get good... そして…その先にある景色を見てみたい And...I want to see what there is to see once I do. ねえ四条ちゃん Say, Shijou-chan. [25/32 (00574.jpg)] 来年の夏はラスベガスに行こう Let's go to Las Vegas next Summer. 四条ちゃん言ったよね Didn't you tell me? 私があなたを世界で2番目にしてあげる I'll make you second-best in the world. …って And all that. 私 Well [26/32 (00575.jpg)] 2番目にはならないから I'm not not going to end up in second place. [27/32 (00576.jpg)] …ミノがなるんじゃなくて ...You're not gonna end up there 私がするのよ I'm gonna put you there. ならないし No, you won't. するもん Yeah, I will. ミノ… Mino... [28/32 (00577.jpg)] 私…絶対に負けたくナウ相手がいて There' opponent I just can't bear to lose to. もってもって上手くなって To get better and better プロになって見返してやりたい…跪かせてやりたい… To be a pro and watch her fall behind... To put her on her knees... いつもそんなことばっかり考えてゲームしてた That's always been the one thing in my mind when I play video games. だけど But ミノと出会ってからは… Since I met you... ちょっと違う気がするの I feel like things have been a little different. 私 今が一番ゲームやってて楽しいんだ I've never had more fun playing video games than I do now. [29/32 (00578.jpg)] きっとこれからま Or than I will from now on, I'm sure. きっと I'm sure [30/32 (00579.jpg)] これから先 that from now onwards どんなに遠くへ行ったとしても Even if we travel far and wide [31/32 (00580.jpg)] となりにいるのは That right by my side... 一応打ち上げももってきておいてよかった Anyway, good thing I brought some fireworks you launch. 持ってきてたの⁉ You did‽ 二人だけで話してないでこっちきなよ Don't talk in your own little corner, get over here. …花火も案外悪くないかもね ...And I guess the fireworks weren't as bad as I thought. [32/32 (00581.jpg)] ねぇ Hey 対戦しようよ Let's play some games. [Endnotes] On page 14, Double-X Two has the line "The cat's away, so the mice are gonna play, huh?" This is translated from 地獄の釜が開いたな, a variation on an aphorism that translates more literally to "The lid to hell's cauldron has been opened." This saying stems from the idea that during certain holidays (New Year's and Bon, in particular), the demons of hell are allowed to rest from the work of torturing the damned, so that even they and those who suffer under them are granted a repreive. 地獄の釜が開いたな The cat's away, so the mice are gonna play, huh?