Someday, We'll Get There By Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/24 (231.jpg)] プロゲーマーになりたくない…の? You...Don't want to be pro gamers? 景表法の影響で国内は大会の賞金額も少ないし… Prize pools in this country aren't very big due to gambling laws... 海外ではともかく日本ではまだまだ社会的地位も確立されてない Abroad, and even in Japan, it doesn't really have an established place in society. 人前に出て自分より下手な奴に上から目線でゴチャゴチャ言われたくないし… I don't wanna go out in front of people and get looked down on and trash talked by a bunch of bastards who can't beat me 選手生命も短そうだし…引退したあとどうするんだろ? And careers seem short...what are you supposed to do when you retire? 本業にしなくても趣味でゲーム遊べばよくない? Can't you just play video games as a hobby and not make a business out of it? …と思うけど口に出すと面倒くさそう ...But I bet that if I said what I actually think, it'd turn into a real shitshow. …いやなんかプロって大変そうじゃん ...Nah, it just sorta seems like a hard life going pro. ……だったら私がみんながプロを目指したくなるような In that case, I'll become a pro gamer プロゲーマーになってみせるわよ That'll make you all want to go pro. [2/24 (232.jpg)] ……四条ってすごいな ...That's sure impressive, Shijou. うん! Yeah! 四条ちゃんならそんなプロになれる気がする! I get the feeling that if anyone could be that kind of professional, it'd be you, Shijou-chan! な… Wh... なによ二人して… What are you two... あーもう Agh, whatever! 雑談してないで連取よ! We're not here to gab, we're here to practice! ライン取り意識して対戦! Let's have some matches! Think about taking the line! はーい Yes! [3/24 (233.jpg)] まだ見ぬ自分に会いに行こう Let us go to meet the self as yet unseen [4/24 (234.jpg)] ミノちゃん最近調子悪そうだね Mino-chan seems like she's been in a slump lately, eh? 伸び間闇ってやつ? Maybe it's that "downturn" people talk about. ミノ Mino. [5/24 (235.jpg)] 一緒に京都いかない? Do you wanna go to Kyoto with me? 京都? Kyoto? 私の親戚が住んで I have a relative that lives there 夏休みだし遠征するのもいいなって And it's Summer break, so I was thinking a few away games might be good. いいね京都 Kyoto'd be nice. ちょうど行ってみたかったんだー I've always wanted to go there. 西日本限定になっちゃったアレが買いたい… I wanna buy one of those things that you can only get in western Japan anymore... え… Huh...? あんたたちも来るの? Are you guys coming, too? (flt) まぁいいけど Well, I guess that's fine ミノも行くでしょ? You're coming too, right, Mino? うーん… Uuuuuuuh... [6/24 (236.jpg)] 行きたいけど… I'd like too, but... 寮費がたくさんかかるんじゃ… Won't the travel expenses be sort of... それなら大丈夫! If that's the problem, you're fine! すっごく安い夜行バス見つけたの I found a /super/ cheap night bus! (flt) 価値破壊よ! A real price buster! 本当だ ものすごく安い! You're right, these are incredibly cheap! (flt) なんでだろー I wonder why? 現地集合にしよう We'll just meet you there. 暑ー… It's hot... ミノたちはもう着いてるの? Are Mino and Shijou already here? 甘いもの好き? Do you like sweet foods? [7/24 (237.jpg)] は? Wut? 京都に来たら行きたかったお店があってさ So there's this place I wanted to go to once I got to Kyoto... (phone) おすすめ Recommended (flt) わー Alright! …まぁいいか ...Well, whatever. (flt) うまい It's good あ Oh ゲームセンターあるじゃん There's an arcade. [8/24 (238.jpg)] この店強い人いるかなあ I wonder if there are any good players in there? 京都勢? * The might of Kyoto? (sfx) ブー ブー bzzzzz bzzzzz もう京都に着いてるんでしょ⁉ You've already gotten to Kyoto, haven't you‽ 早く来なさいよ! Get over here already! はいはい Yeah, yeah (phone) 四条 Shijou 待ち合わせ場所って…駄菓子屋? We're meeting up at...some corner candy store? と思ったら結構いるんな筐体ある That's what I thought, but they've got a lot of cabinets in here やー ごめんごめん Hey! Sorry 'bout that. (flt) はは Ha ha 遅い! You're late! こっちは朝の6時に着いてんのよ We got here at 6 AM, you know! どうだった? How was it? 謎の格安夜行バス The mysterious cheap night bus. なんか… すごくぎゅうぎゅうなバスに詰め込まれて… It was... We were stuffed into a bus that was filled to bursting... ずっと異音が鳴ってて… This weird sound never stopped squealing... ものすごく揺れて… It was awfully shaky... 背中と腰と…とにかく全身が痛い…… My shoulders, and my back, and...well, my whole body hurts... [9/24 (239.jpg)] …まぁいいわ ...Well, it doesn't matter. あっちもまだ来てないし She's not here, either. 誰か来るの? Is someone coming? この遠征のコーチ The coach for our away games. コーチ? A coach? 透! Tooru! おまたせ Sorry for the wait. か… The... 格ゲーババァ The Fighting Game Hag! [10/24 (240.jpg)] さすがに初対面の人をババァ呼ばわりは… I don't think you should be calling someone you just met for the first time a hag... (flt) 引くわ… It's pretty rude... 違っ… That's not... そういうプレイヤーネーム! It's her gamertag! 格ゲーババァさんはすごいんだよ! The Fighting Game Hag is amazing! 猫5戦国時代は最強プレイヤーの一角を担い *She was chosen to represent one of the regions for the Warring States Era in Cat 5. マスター杯決勝の逆5タテは今でも語り草だし People still tell stories about about her five-game runback in the Master Cup Championship! 格ゲーだけじゃなく『ビートの鉄人VIGX』では廃人スコアで全一取っててMMOの世界でも不眠の女王として超有名! And it's not just fighting games, she gets insane records in Iron Beat Master VI GX, and she's super famous in the world of MMOs as the Sleepless Queen! それに猫1のロケテから参加してる超古参プレイヤー! And she's a super OG, who's been playing since the loketest for Cat 1! まさに生きる伝説だよ‼ She's a bona fide living legend!! あ…あのもうそれくらいで… Uh...Okay, that's enough... (flt) 年がバレる They'll figure out how old I am この人は私の叔母さんなの She's my aunt. うちの姪っ子がお世話になってまーす! Thanks for being such good friends with my niece! 人間としてはどうかと思うけどゲームはうまいから She's got some issues as a person, but she's good at video games. こらこら透ー? Now, Tooru...? 強かったのって昔の話でしょ? You're saying that she /used/ to be good, right? [11/24 (241.jpg)] ちょっとXXXX! Whoa there, Double-X Two! …私と対戦してみない? ...You wanna try a game against me? …別にいいけど ...Yeah, sure. あなたメインキャラは? Who's your main? ネコマンジ Nekomanji. 了解 Got it. …ネコマンジ使えるの? ...You can play Nekomanji? まぁなんでも使えるけど Well, I can play anyone メインはニャンパチかな But I guess my main would be Nyanpachi. …ふーん ...Hmmmmm. わざわざ同キャラ被せてくるとか… She went for the mirror on purpose. 技数多いネコマンジを使いこなせんの? Can she really know how to use Nekomanji? He has so many moves. なめんな! Quit shitting me! (sfx) ドド doom doom (sfx) メキッ crak (sfx) ゴッ crunch (sfx) バ fwssh (sfx) アア aah [12/24 (242.jpg)] ……10連敗 ...Ten losses straight. 基本技の使い方が上手過ぎる… The way she uses her normals is too good... こっちの攻撃はざんざんあたんないし… None of my attacks are getting through at all... (sfx) ボソッ whisper ……一生勝てる気しない I don't think I'll ever have a chance. そろそろ代わってよ Okay, your turn is over. 次お願いします If I could get next... ZTTちゃん… ZTT-chan... 大会で見かけたことあるかも I might have seen her at a tournament before. (sfx) ギューン schwing 丁寧だね Legit. だけど… But... 恐いところがない Nothing to be afraid of. (sfx) ドドド thump thump thump (sfx) アア aaah [13/24 (243.jpg)] (sfx) ドバ smash 立ち途中に浮かせ技のないキャンパチに対して振り回した上段技の鰹面脚に対して… Throw out a turnaround Carp Kick against Nyanpachi because he doesn't have any launchers while rising... しゃがみ状態からの横移動キャンセル最猫‼ And he can beat it with side-movement! It's the cat's meow!! なんて意識の反撃… What a conscientious counter-attack... やっぱりレベルが違う……! Yeah, she's on another level...! 次はミノちゃん You're next, Mino-chan. え What? なんで私のこと… How did you know that I... 透からいろいろ聞いてるよ Tooru's told me all about you. (sfx) アシイ whshhh (sfx) バ fwshh (sfx) ガガ bu-whump (sfx) ガコッ crack なるほど すごい反応速度ね……でも I see. That's some fantastic reaction time... But 予備動作の小さい技や意識の外からの攻撃には対応できないはず She shouldn't be able to react to moves with a short startup animation or attacks she's not conscientious of. 透の言ってた当て勘や殺気は見られなかったな I didn't see any of the mindgames or bloodthirst Tooru was telling me about. [14/24 (244.jpg)] 透も対戦する? Tooru, do you want some games, too? する! I do! 言っとくけど去年の私とは全然違うから But I'm warning you, I'm nothing like I was last year. ハードル上げるね I'll raise the bar, then. (sfx) アアア aaaaah (sfx) ズンッ ザンッ fwip fwap (sfx) バンッ bang (sfx) ズシャ コッ fu-woosh krak これは……!最速行動に対するファジーガードに対する遅らせ攻撃に対す This is...! A delayed attack to beat the fuzzy guard she did to beat the frame-perfect movement 意味わかんないけどすごいな I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but goddamn. [15/24 (245.jpg)] 5戦目にして四条が勝った! And Shijou wins game five! (sfx) ア ah (sfx) ド pow (sfx) メキャ shatter でもまだ本当に勝ちたい相手には届かないかな But that still might not go against an opponent who's really trying to win. XXXXちゃんは基本技の差し合いから見直したほうがいいね Double-X Two-chan, you should review the spacing of your normal moves ヒットorガードの確認も甘いよ And you're lazy about confirming if you got a hit or a block. ZTTちゃんは暴れてでも捻じ込みにいく強引さが欲しい ZTT-chan, even when you throw in some abare, you lack insistence when you're trying to get in. テクニックや知識も必要だけどそれ以上に必要なのは You do need technique and knowledge, but you need more than that. 『当たるタイミング』で技を出せば勝てるゲームってことだね It's a game where you can win as long as you throw out a move when it'll hit. [16/24 (246.jpg)] それを狙ってできたら苦労しないわよ! If you could just do that, then you wouldn't have to work for it! 適当過ぎ Yeah, you're just saying whatever. さすがババァさん 良いこと言うなぁ Man, the Hag sure says some great stuff. (flt) 神か… What a god... いや…でも読み合いってそういうことじゃん But I mean...isn't that what a read is? ミノちゃんは… Mino-chan here... 上手くやろうとして持ち味を活かせてないかもね Might be trying so hard to be good that she's not making the most of what makes her unique. (sfx) ぽんっ pat ……『当たるタイミング』で技を出す ...Throw out a move when it'll hit. [17/24 (247.jpg)] (sfx) ギシッ creak …あの ...Um ありがとうございます Thank you very much. いろいろ教えていただいた上に泊めてもらって… Both for teaching us so much and for letting us stay over... あぁ Oh! いいよ いいよ Don't mention it. [18/24 (248.jpg)] 透が友だち連れてくるなんてびっくりだし I was just surprised that Tooru brought friends over. あんなに楽しそうにゲームしてるのにはもっとびっくり But I was even more surprised she seemed to be having so much fun playing video games. きっとミノちゃんのおかげだね You're the one behind that, I'm sure. ありがとう Thanks. え? Huh? そ そんな 私は何も… Th—That's—I didn't... またまたー Time after time 透言ってたよ「ミノはすごい」って Tooru would be telling me, "Mino's incredible." (flt) まー座りなって C'mon, take a seat あの子が認めるなんてタダ者じゃないね She doesn't give that kind of recognition for nothing. 本当に…私なんて全然ダメで The truth is...I'm not good at anything. ゲームも…それ意外も Not at video games...or anything else. うまくいかないことだらけで Nothing ever turns out right. このままゲームばっかりやってていいのかな Should I really keep playing video games all the time like this? …なんて考えちゃったり ...I can't help but wonder. [19/24 (249.jpg)] ゲームで強くなったところで Once you get good at video games その先には何もないかもしれないね It might not lead to anything more. ……それどころか ...Or rather 強さと引き換えに何かを失ったような In exchange for getting good, it's like you've lost something. …私がミノちゃんくらいにゲームしかしてなかったんだけど ...So when I was your age, I didn't do anything but play video games. 夢中であそんでたらいつ間にか仲間ができてたりして I'd just play, think of nothing else, and before I knew it, I'd made some friends ちょっと世界が広がったような気がしたんだよね And the world felt a little bigger. その時の連中とはなんだかんだずっと仲良いし Somehow or another, I've managed to stay friends with my crew from back then all this time. 実は今の仕事してるのもゲーセンで出会った人がきっかけだし And actually, I got the job I have now through someone I met at the arcade. (flt) ビックリでしょ Whodathunkit, right? もしもゲームと出会ってなかったらどうなってたかわからないけど I can't say how things would have have turned out if I hadn't met them through a game ゲームやっててよかったなって私は思ってるよ But I can't help but be glad I was playing video games. 私と一緒に格闘ゲームやって Play fighting games with me. [20/24 (250.jpg)] ーゲームをしなかったら ...If I hadn't been playing video games あなたと一緒なら私はもっともっと強くなれる If I'm with you, I can get so much better. ゲームは楽しむのが一番 But the number-one thing in video games is having fun. 私の相方になってよ Be my partner. 全部なかったんだー None of it would have happened... [21/24 (251.jpg)] 透がミノちゃんと出会って変わったように And just like Tooru changed after meeting you ミノちゃんを変える出会いもあったんじゃない? You've had some meetings that have changed you, right? 気の合う仲間だったり Whether it's a friend you get along with 負けたくないライバルだったり A rival you don't want to lose to 変な絡み方してくる奴と最終的に仲良くなったり Or some guy you get mixed up with some weird way that becomes your friend in the end. ゲームだって真剣にやってればいろいろあるもんで If you're serious about video games, so much will happen 面白いことがこれからもきっとたくさなるよ And there will be so many things from here on out that'll be worth it. そういう時間を重ねて From where you are right here これからミノちゃんは After all that time どんな風に変わっていくんだろうね What change will it have on you, I wonder? [22/24 (252.jpg)] 未来のミノちゃんに合うのが楽しみだな I'm looking forward to meeting you in the future, Mino-chan. そうだミノちゃん あのね…… Oh, say, lemme tell you something... あーあ… Yawn... 今日は格ゲーババァさんいないのかなぁ Is the Fighting Game Hag not here today? 抜けられない仕事なんだって She said she had work she couldn't get out of. [23/24 (253.jpg)] あの人なんの仕事してるの? What sort of job does she have? 華道の先生 She teaches flower arranging. (sfx) はぁ… Sigh... もっとババァさんに教わりたかったなぁ Man, I wanted to learn more from the Hag. そんなにがっかりしなくても Don't be so disappointed just yet. それぞれに課題を預かってるから I've got here some assignments she left for all of us. 課題? Assignments? (sfx) カサッ flap 『ミャオ以外のキャラを使ってみよう』…なるほど "Try using characters besides Myao..." I get it. 『マスター忍者の秘伝書を探せ!』…ってなんなのこれ? "Seek the master ninja's book of secrets!" ...The hell is this? 四条ちゃん私は? Shijou-chan, what about me? ミノはー Mino, she said you— [24/24 (254.jpg)] 私と対戦しろって and I are gonna play. え Huh? 四条ちゃんと対戦ならいつもしてるのに But I play matches with you all the time. ただの対戦じゃなくて Not just any match. 本気の真剣勝負 A serious fight, gloves off.