Someday, We'll Get There By Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/26 (421.jpg)] (sfx) ガキイイン schwiiing ステージ選択はニャンハッタン… The stage select is Nyanhattan... (sfx) ドドド doom doom doom (sfx) ほっ phew 無限ステージはろりあえず会費できた We've managed to avoid an infinite stage, anyway. [2/26 (422.jpg)] いざ、戦いの時 The Hour of Battle is Come [3/26 (423.jpg)] (sfx) ドワア whooooosh まずはお互い距離を取ったか… So they're keeping their distance at first... (sfx) ガチゃ tak (sfx) うおおお oooh (sfx) ぐおん whp (sfx) ヒュッ fwoo (sfx) スカッ whff [4/26 (424.jpg)] (flt) あ… Ah... いきなり不死鳥の構えで避けられた! She was able to avoid it with a sudden Phoenix stance! ミャオにはこれがあるのよね Yeah, Myao can do that. (sfx) ドアア whack (sfx) ゴッ pow (sfx) ヒュッ whsh (sfx) ガ splap (sfx) ガチャ tak (sfx) タタンッ ka-tok 今作のミャオは結構強い… コンボのダメも高いし運びも優秀! Myao's pretty good in this game... She's got high combo damage, and she can carry like a champ! ごめんねミノちゃん Sorry, Mino-chan. [5/26 (425.jpg)] 何もできなかった… I couldn't do anything... 起き上がりに壁際でめちゃくちゃにされた… She messed me up against the wall on wakeup... 2R目も押されてる… She's being pushed in the second round, too... ミノ…動きが素直すぎるよ Mino...Your movement's too obvious! 二択をかけようとすれば置き技にやられ… You're getting bodied by get-up attacks when you try to do a fifty-fifty... (sfx) ガン whok (sfx) ぐるり flip (sfx) ドン smack 置き技にはスカをとられる Your get-up attacks get whiff-baited そして…スカを狙えば二択をかけられる展開 And then... She goes on to target the whiffs and throw a fifty-fifty against you. (sfx) ゴッ smack [6/26 (426.jpg)] (sfx) ドカッ ka-pow ミノちゃんはわかりやすいなあ Man, Mino-chan is easy to read. (sfx) わりとイノシシかも About as subtle as a boar 攻撃が通らない…こっちの行動が全部読まれてる My attacks aren't going through... She's reading everything I do. こんな時どうしたらいいの? What should do I do at a time like this? 対戦中は自分がやりたいことだけ考えてちゃ駄目! You can't think only about what you wanna do during a match! 相手が何をしてくるか見極めて… You've gotta scout out what your opponent's gonna do... その裏をかくのよ! And think of how to counter it! [7/26 (427.jpg)] 相手の裏をかく… Think of how to counter your opponent... 3R目…あとがないわよ Third round... It's now or never. (sfx) ガン smack これをガードさせて下がって Make her block this and back off... 突っ込んできたところに技を置く! Put a move out for when she charges in! (sfx) ぐっ slink ここだ! Right here! (sfx) ブオンッ whoosh (sfx) スカッ whff (sfx) ザッ fwp [8/26 (428.jpg)] (sfx) バッ hup 反撃のチャンス! A chance for a counter-attack! (sfx) ガン whap (sfx) オアア Hwaagh! (sfx) ドン pow 右アッパーからのコンボが入った! She got a combo off a right uppercut! 少しはやるね じゃあ…こういうのはどうかな? You've got some moves. Well, then...How about this? 雌猫後掃腿! Side-step sweep! (sfx) ズバッ wha-pow [9/26 (429.jpg)] 発生27F…初心者殺しの下段コンボ始動技 Active on frame 27... It's a low starter for a noob-slayer combo. でもミノなら… But Mino... 見てから余裕で潰せる! Can stuff that on reaction, easy! (sfx) ガ thok (sfx) ドン pow (sfx) チュインッ bloop 今のコンボでミャオの火事場が発動した! That combo just now put Myao into desperation! スパアマつきでカチ合いに強い火事場アーツに気をつけて… Watch out for her desperation art, it's got super armor, so it's good in a clash... (sfx) アア Aaaah …って置き攻めする気満々だし…! ...Agh, she's going straight in for the okizeme...! [10/26 (430.jpg)] 勝ちを焦って攻めにきた それなら… She's coming in trying to rush her win. In that case... (sfx) ガキイイン flash (sfx) ドドド doom doom doom 火事場アーツ発動! Activate desperation art! ZTTさんは私のことを初心者だと思ってる ZTT thinks I'm a noob. そこを逆手にとる… I'll turn that around on her... (sfx) ザザ fwp fwp (sfx) アア aaaah [11/26 (431.jpg)] (sfx) ガッ clak (sfx) ガガ ka-thud 直前でガード‼ And block just before!! 火事場アーツを誘われた⁉ She baited the desperation art‽ …意外の対戦慣れしてるじゃん ...So she's got more match experience than I thought. あとは確認さえ決めれば! Now if she can just confirm it...! (sfx) バチ バチッ tok tok (sfx) ドン wham [12/26 (432.jpg)] なんとか一本取り返せた… She managed to take a round... でも追い詰められてるのは変わらない… But she's being rushed down, that hasn't changed... 次は4R Next up, round four. (sfx) バキ crack (sfx) ガン thwack (sfx) アア aaaagh (sfx) バキッ crack …流れが変わった? ...The momentum's changed? (sfx) アア aaaagh (sfx) ドド whack whack (sfx) ガン thok [13/26 (433.jpg)] (sfx) ガガ whump (sfx) ぐい grip (sfx) ブォ fwap (sfx) パッ whap …投げは絶対抜けてくるし ...She's totally breaking my grabs フェイント技は見た瞬間暴れてくる… And the instant she sees a feint move, she does some abare... (sfx) ドン pow (sfx) バッ gasp (sfx) ドドド doom doom doom 二択か… 残り体力的にこの位置で崩拳をもらうと壁コンボで終わる… A fifty-fifty...? In terms of remaining health, if I take a deathfist in this situation, a wall combo will end it... 下段ならもらっても火事場発動でまだワンチャンある!ここは立ちガードで… Even if I take a low, that'll activate my desperation and give me one last chance! I'll do a standing block here... [14/26 (434.jpg)] (sfx) アアア aaaaaagh (sfx) ガガ whump (sfx) キュイイ clench タックル⁉ここで? A tackle‽ Here? まずい…返せなかった! This is bad... I couldn't punish it! (sfx) タタタンッ tak tak tak この動きは…! This movement...! (sfx) びくん twitch (sfx) ゴッ smash マウントからも抜けれなかった…腕ひしぎじゃない! I couldn't get out of the mount, either... She didn't do the arm lock! こっちのルートは! These choices! [15/26 (435.jpg)] 塩漬け絞め⁉ "Salty Punishment!?" そうよ That's right. この技はマウントさえとれば完全二択をかけるの If you can get a mount, then it's a total fifty-fifty. (input display) 後 then タイミングさえおぼえたらホールド入力を駆使すればコマンド自体は簡単よ If you can just remember the timing, then if you use buffering, the input itself is easy. そういえばお父さんが言ってた… Now that you mention in, Dad was saying... 技量で上をいく相手なら… If your opponent's skill is ahead of yours... フィジカルで塩漬けにする! Make 'em salty physically! (flt) むん! Mph! それゲームに関係ある⁉ What's that got to do with video games‽ [16/26 (436.jpg)] (sfx) ゴキン wring (sfx) ガ whap やった! She did it! たしかにこの技ならあの体力から倒しきれる Yeah, with that much life, that move'll be enough to take her down! 初心者がコマンダの難しいほうでくるとは思わなかった… I didn't think a beginner would come at me with one of the more difficult moves to do... ミノちゃんを甘く見てた…それを読まれた? I wasn't taking her seriously... Did she read that? [17/26 (437.jpg)] 最後ラウンド… Final round... 今のでZTTが動揺してるなら… If ZTT's shook now, then... (sfx) アア aaaagh (sfx) ヒュッ whsh (sfx) ドン smack (sfx) ズバッ ka-pow (sfx) アア aaaagh (sfx) うおおお waaaaaah! [18/26 (438.jpg)] 減っる! So much damage! ここにきて崩拳刺し込まれた! She walked right up and hit me in the face with a deathfist! そこから二択? Into a fifty-fifty? もしかしてまたタックル⁉ Or maybe another tackle‽ (sfx) ワア Wah (sfx) オアア Yaaaah [19/26 (439.jpg)] …何もしてこない⁉ ...She's not doing anything‽ これって… This is... 二択かける詐欺! A gimmick for a fifty-fifty! …圧に負けて壁に追い込まれた! ...I fell for the pressure and got chased against a wall! (sfx) ぐぐ。。 bump (sfx) ヒュ whsh くっ…! Damn...! (sfx) ドン pow (sfx) ドカッ slam (sfx) メリ rip (sfx) バ cra 崩拳がカウンターで入った! The deathfist counter worked! 壁強やられ… She got the wall splat... やっちゃえ!ミノ‼ Go for it, Mino!! [20/26 (440.jpg)] …終わった ...It's over. (sfx) アア aaaagh (sfx) ドン pow [21/26 (441.jpg)] ……ミノ ...Mino. …おつかれ様 ...Good job. ……四条ちゃん ...Shijou-chan. (sfx) しゅるっ shff あのね…… You know... [22/26 (442.jpg)] 私… I... 格ゲー好きだよ I like fighting games. …うん ...Yeah. 私も Me, too. [23/26 (443.jpg)] (flt) ミノー! Minoooo! 偉そうなこと言っておいてハンデもつけずに負けるとか… Losing after talking so big, without even a handicap... 最後R崩拳だけでやられたし…なんなのあの当て勘… Getting beaten from just a deathfist in the final round... How'd she get in my head like that... …もう一回やりたい ...I want to run it back. でも…これで終わりなんだよね… But... It's over now, isn't it... ミノちゃん Mino-chan. ZTTさん ZTT-san. …正直ビックリした ...Honestly, I was surprised. [24/26 (444.jpg)] ミノちゃんはいつかきっとすごいプレーヤーになる I'm sure someday you'll become a great player. 反応速度や勝負強さだけじゃない It's not just your reaction time and your mentality. 何か…持っている気がする… There's something... I feel you've got... 格ゲー本気でやるのも悪くないね… Fighting games aren't a bad thing to take seriously, either... ZTTさん ZTT-san. 私ZTTさんにお願い聞いてもらえるんですよね? I get to ask a favor from you, right, ZTT-san? …ああ ...Yeah. そうだったね なんでも言ってよ That was the deal. Say whatever you want. じゃあ! Okay, then! [25/26 (445.jpg)] また私と対戦してください! Please fight me again some time! ……はは ...Ha ha! やっぱりミノちゃんはすごいや Yeah, Mino-chan, you /are/ pretty great. (sfx) うふふ tee hee hee (sfx) あはは ah ha ha 何二人の世界作ってんのよー‼ What's this world you two are making for yourselves? ちょっと四条邪魔じゃないでくれる? Hey, Shijou, could you butt out a sec? (sfx) ブチッ rage [26/26 (446.jpg)] (sfx) バチッ tak (sfx) ガチゃッ tok