Someday, We'll Get There by Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/24 (00623.jpeg)] 格ゲーって何がおもしろいの? What's so fun about fighting games? え…… Huh...? おもしろくはない… They are not fun... 私もみんなも Everyone, including me こんなことよくやってるなぁって思う…… Thinks that it's all a real grind... 負けたら悔しいけど勝っても楽しくない時もある… It hurts when you lose, but there are times when winning isn't fun, either... じゃあなんでやってるの… So why do you do it...? [2/24 (00624.jpeg)] 陸上選手に『走ってておもしろい?』ってわざわざ聞く? Would you go ask a track runner, "Is running fun?" でも…おもしろくないならなんでやってるの? But... If it isn't fun, why do you do it? …勝ちたいから ...'Cause I wanna win. 強くなりたいから 'Cause I wanna be good. そういうものなのかな… Is that how it is... ……四条ちゃん? ...Shijou-chan? …寝てる ...She's asleep. (sfx) すぅー… zzz [3/24 (00625.jpeg)] 楽しいって、格ゲーって、なんだろう? What is fun? What are fighting games? [4/24 (00626.jpeg)] ミノ! Mino! 早く帰って練習しよう Let's hurry back and practice! (sfx) テッテロ テッテロテロ bipbiblip bipbiblipbiblip (sfx) テッテロ テッテロ bipbiblib bipbiblip …四条ちゃんずっと電話鳴ってるよ… ...Shijou-chan, your phone's been ringing for a long time... (sfx) テロ テロ biblip biblip え?あぁ 本当だ Huh? Oh, you're right. (sfx) ピッ boop (phone) 母 Mom 透! Tooru! あんた家にも帰って来ないで一体どこで何やってるの! What on /Earth/ are you up to, away from the house for so long‽ Where have you /been/? いい加減にしなさい! This has gone on long enough! …お母さん 私には今やるべきことがあるのよ ...Mom, there's something I have to do right now. ならもうお小遣いもお昼ごはん代もなしね Then that means no more allowance or lunch money. 今日は自分の家に帰るわ I'm going back to my house today. [5/24 (00627.jpeg)] 一人で帰るの久しぶりだな It's been a while since I've gone home by myself, hasn't it? (flt) 夕ごはんどうしよ? What should I do for dinner? 冷凍しておいた豚肉があるから…もやし買って帰って炒めようかな… There's some pork in the fridge... Maybe I should by some bean sprouts on the way home for a stir-fry... お米まだあったっけ… Do I still have rice...? (flt) 四条の教育の成果 The fruits of Shijou's instruction (sign) 節約 Thrift …素敵なお店 ...What a lovely shop. (sign[x3]) 喫茶デスコン Café One-Touch [6/24 (00628.jpeg)] こんなお店に一人で入れたら大人って感じだな… It really feels like you're a grown-up if you can go in a shop like this by yourself... でも節約しないと…… But I have to be thrifty... いらっしゃいませ Welcome! (sfx) カラーン jangle (sfx) はーっ whoa... [7/24 (00629.jpeg)] ZTTさん? ZTT-san? あれ? Huh? ミノちゃん Mino-chan. ピアノ…すごいですね The piano music... That was amazing. 一応バイト中なんだけど客さん来なすぎて暇だから弾いてたんだ I'm actually working at the moment, but the place is so dead I was playing out of boredom. (flt) 経営大丈夫なのかね Wonder how operations is doing, huh? (flt) うしろに店長さんいますよ Your manager is right behind you, you know この子こう見えて昔はピアノのコンクールで何度も優勝したんですよ You can tell that she used to win competition after competition on the piano. ちょって余計なこと言わないでよ Hey, who asked you? [8/24 (00630.jpeg)] ピアノ…コンクールにはもう出ないんですか? Do you... Not go to piano competitions anymore? 今はゲームのほうがおもしろいからね Video games are more fun for me right now. ZTTさんは… ZTT-san, you... ゲームやってておもしろいですか? Have fun when you play video games? 四条は格ゲーつまらないって? Does Shijou say fighting games are boring? や No! つまらないとは言ってないです! She doesn't say that they're boring! でもおもしろくもないんでしょ But I bet she doesn't say they're fun. ……なんでわかるんですか ...How did you know? いやあの子そういうこと言いそうだなと思って I just thought it sounded like something she'd say. [9/24 (00631.jpeg)] 私はさ So for me ゲームって操作して動かしてるだけでそこそこ面白いんだよね Just controlling the game and making it do stuff is pretty fun. 思い通りに動かせるようになると嬉しいし It makes me happy when I can make it do exactly what I want. …私も始めて四条ちゃんに格ゲー教えてもらった時はわくわくしたな… ...I got pretty excited, too, when Shijou-chan was first teaching me about fighting games... どこにおもしろさを求めるかは人それぞれだけどね But everyone looks for fun in different places, y'know? 私の場合は音ゲーなら自分のスコアをあげていくのが楽しいし For me, the fun in rhythm games is increasing my score. 対戦ゲームは相手が人間なところが楽しいかな Maybe what's fun about competitive games is having a human opponent. 他人に勝つことで承認欲求が満たせるっていうか Like, you satisfy your desire for recognition by beating someone else. (flt) はは Ha ha [10/24 (00632.jpeg)] 四条が格ゲーに競技として取り組んでるのも別にいいと思うよ And I think it's fine that Shijou is pushing herself competitively in fighting games. 私はゲームとああいう向き合い方はしないかなってだけ I just don't think I can think about games that way. …あの ...You see …四条ちゃんい強いキャラを使えって言われて ...Shijou tells me that I should use a strong character. あー言うね四条は Yeah, she would, wouldn't she? キャラランクっていうのは確かにあるんだけど The tier list is certainly real 何が強いかっていうのも結局のところその人の主観でしかないと思うけど But I think even what's strong is just a matter of perspective, in the end. その主観もネットの情報に影響されたり And even that perspective is influenced by information on the Net 所属してるコミュニティの空気に流されたりはするんだけどね And swept along by the general attitude of the community you're a part of. 結局 In the end 自分の好きなキャラを見つけて楽しく遊ぶのが一番だよ The number one thing is to find a character you like and have fun playing them. [11/24 (00633.jpeg)] ゲームを楽しんでやることに上手いも下手もないからね 'Cause there's no right or wrong if you're having fun playing the game. まずは一通りさわっててみて自分に合いそうなキャラを探してみたらどうかな How about you start by going through all of them and looking for a character that seems like a good fit for you? なるほど… I see... まぁ使用キャラも固定しなきゃいけないわけじゃないからね But you know, it's not like you have to fixate and use just one. (flt) 変えても色々使っても別にいいし It's fine if you want to switch off and use a bunch 固く考えなくていいよ It's good to think flexibly. ちなみに私はずっとミャオってキャラ使ってるよ By the way, I've always used the character called "Myao." (flt) 今度の対戦ももちろんミャオ Of course, it'll be Myao in the upcoming match, too それに そもそも強くキャラ使えって言ってる四条本人の使ってるキャラが最強キャラどもないし And Shijou, who's telling you to use a strong character? She doesn't even use the best character herself. (flt) まだクロ使ってるなら If she's still using Kuro え⁉そうなんですか… Huh‽ I didn't know... うーんどちらかといえば職人向け? Hmmm... If I had to say, I'd say he's well-suited for technical players. [12/24 (00634.jpeg)] で So ミノちゃんから見て From your point of view ミノちゃんとゲームしてる四条はどんな風に見えた? What did Shijou look like when she was playing with you? つまらなそうだった? Did she look bored? (sfx) カラーン jangle いらっしゃいませー Welcome! [13/24 (00635.jpeg)] ただいまー I'm home! 今日は四条ちゃんもいないし And there's no Shijou-chan today. (sfx) んー… hnng いないし…… No Shijou-chan... [14/24 (00636.jpeg)] 端から順番に使ってみればいいかな… Should I start from one end and go in order...? (sfx) カチャ カチャッ tak tak (sfx) ソオイ‼ Ha!! (sfx) ブンッ fwsh (sfx) ゴシュッ splurt ……なんか切腹した…… ...I guess he committed seppuku... あ Oh. この子四条ちゃんが使ってたキャラだ This guy is the character Shijou-chan was using. (sfx) チュッ huff (sfx) スカッ whff 職人向け…だっけ The one for...technical players? (sfx) カチ カチ krk krk [15/24 (00637.jpeg)] …あれ?技が出ない… ...Huh? No moves are coming out... (flt) ☆って何…? What's with the ☆...? 技の出やすさもキャラごとに結構違うんだ… So even the difficulty of doing a move is different for every character... これを使いこなせてる四条ちゃんってすごいのかも… It might be impressive how Shijou-chan can use him so well... えーと次は…ZTTさんの… Let's see, next is... ZTT-san's... 動きが軽快で気持ちいい… Her nimble movement feels good... けどリーチがちょっと短いかな? But maybe her reach is a little short? できることはたくさんあるみたいだけど It looks like she can do a lot of things 使いこなすのは大変そう… But it seems pretty hard to get a handle on... キャラごとに全然違うんだ… The characters are all totally different... 私に合うキャラってなんだろう… What sort of character'd be good for me...? 次はこの子… Next is this guy... [16/24 (00638.jpeg)] (sfx) カチ カチャッ tak klak この技すごく減る This move does a lot of damage! (sfx) ズガン‼ fwoosh!! (sfx) オオオオオオオ Wooooooooo (sfx) ぎゅういいいいい wreeeeeench 腕ひしぎ…総合格闘技系の動きかな…… An armlock...I guess he's doing mixed martial arts moves... (sfx) バキッ crak …なんだかこの動き… ...The way he's moving... (flt) ニッポンじゃ2番めニャ I'll have you nyo I'm number two in Japan! (flt) 変幻自在の柔術家 The phantasmal Jujitsu fighter ものすごく見覚えがあるようの…… Seems really very familiar to me.... (sfx) ペッポペー boop badoo (sfx) ピポッ badip [17/24 (00639.jpeg)] ハロー! Herro! みのる元気ー? How're you doing, Minoru? …お母さん ...Mom. こっちは今朝よー It's morning over here! まだ起きてるかなと思ってかけてみたの I figured I'd call you up and see if you were still awake. そろそろ寝ないと…… I should be heading to bed... (flt) こんな時間か… It's actually pretty late... 一人で大丈夫? Are you doing alright on your own? ちゃんとごはん食べてる? Are you eating right? 食べる食べる Yeah, I am. 何にかあったらすぐ言うのよ Let us know right away if something happens, okay? 今からだってこっちに来てもいいんだからね You know it's not too late for you to come over here. あ ほら Oh, hey! お父さんみのるよ Honey, it's Minoru! [18/24 (00640.jpeg)] あー… Oh... みのるー…?パパだよー…覚えてますかー… Minoru...? It's your papa... Do you remember...? そりゃ 覚えてるよ… Well, yeah, I do... (flt) まだ出発して2週間しかたってないし… It's been only two weeks since you set off... 一人で大丈夫か? Are you doing alright on your own? ちゃんとごはん食べてるか? Are you eating right? それさっき聞かれた… I just got asked about that... …学校は楽しいか…? ...Are you having fun at school...? 普通… Like usual... あの友だちとは仲良くやってるか? Are you getting along with that friend of yours? (flt) 仲良く…? Getting along...? あー… うん Uh... Yeah. 一緒にゲームしたりしてるよ We play video games together. ゲームか…いいじゃないか Video games...That's nice. 父さんも昔ゲームの仕事したことあるぞ You know, your old man once did some work on a video game. え⁉ Huh‽ なんで⁉ What for‽ [19/24 (00641.jpeg)] たしか モーションキャプチャーとかいう… 身体の動きを撮影してゲームの中で使うアニメーチョンデータにする…?とかで Yeah, it was that motion capture thing... They record your body's movement, and use it in the game for animation data...? Or something. (flt) スーツアクター Suit Actor 全身タイツみたいのを着せられたよ They put this thing on me like full-body tights. ゲームのキャラにプロの挌闘家の動きを取り入れたいとか言ってたな They were saying something like they wanted to get a pro fighter's movements for one of the characters. (flt) そのまま使うわけじゃなく加工するらしいけど They don't use it as-is, I hear they process it TAKE1OKです Take 1 OK それってなんていうゲーム⁉もしかして… What game was it‽ By any chance... え? いや なんだったかな…やたら長い横文字だったような…? Hm? Oh, what was it... It was some long thing written horizontally, I think... うわっ 母さん何してるんだそれ煙が…あぁっ Whoa! Dear, what are you doing? The smoke will... Agh! (sfx) ゲホオッ ゴホオッ hack cough (sfx) ペロン ba-doop (tablet) 通信時間 call time (flt) 切れた… They hung up... そういうことか… Is that the story... (sfx) くすっ giggle なに笑ってるの? What are you laughing about? [20/24 (00642.jpeg)] (sfx) ぬぅ…っ lurk わああっ Waaah! 四条ちゃん 家に帰ったんじゃ… Shijou-chan, I thought you went home... (flt) なんで玄関から入ってこないの… Why didn't you come in through the front...? なんとか説得できたわ… I talked her into it somehow... ……おつかれ様 ...Congratulations. 一人でも練習してたのね You must've been practicing on your own. うん Yeah. そうだ四条ちゃん Oh, yeah, Shijou-chan 私使いたいキャラ決まったの I decided what character I want to use. [21/24 (00643.jpeg)] この子にしようと思う I think I'll use this guy. (flt) ニャンポー Nyanpow またダメ出しされちゃうかな… I wonder if this'll get nixed, too... いいんじゃない That should do. 本当⁉ Really‽ わりと使いやすいし一発が大きい二択も強い He's relatively easy to use, and a single hit hits hard. His fifty-fifties are good, too. 結構いいチョイスだと思う I think it's a pretty good choice. よかったぁ… Thank goodness... 使用キャラが決まったなら早速キャラ対策しよう If you've picked what character you're going to use, then let's start thinking about character matchups. ZTTがキャラ変してこなければ… If ZTT isn't changing characters... ZTTさんはミャオ使うって言ってたよ She said she'd be using Myao. [22/24 (00644.jpeg)] 確定なの⁉ That's confirmed‽ これで私たちはしぼって対策できる! That means we can concentrate our matchup practice! ZTTとの差をちょっとは詰められるかも… This might narrow the gap to ZTT a bit... 相手が使うキャラわかってるってそんなに有利なの? Is it really such an advantage to know what character your opponent's going to use? 有利に決まってるじゃない Of course it's an advantage. そっか… I see... [23/24 (00645.jpeg)] (phone) 午後11:45 11:45 PM (phone) 使うキャラきめました! I picked my character! …あーあ ...Oh, well. ハンデあげたつもりだったんだけど… Here I was trying to give her a handicap... ……へぇ? ...What? [24/24 (00646.jpeg)] ZTTが使用キャラ教えてくれたから? Because ZTT told you which character she's gonna use? 自分だけ知ってるのはフェアじゃないから ミノも使用キャラ教えてあげたんだー… Because it's not fair if only you know, you told her your character pick, too... ……ミノってさぁ… ...Man, Mino... 勝つ気あるの? Are you trying to win?