safe:// A World Without Freedom "Late Spring" bonus chapter by Kodama Naoko Translation by Multiball [1/14] 叶わない恋ならすっぱり諦める I'll give up completely on any love that isn't meant to be. 無駄な感情に振り回されるなんてバカのすることだから It's stupid to be jerked about by fruitless emotions. だから安東さんとはただの友だち それでいい That's why I'm just friends with Andou-san. It's fine that way. 450円になります That will be 450 yen. [2/14] あなた…っ You...! こんなところで何やって What are you doing here‽ すみません 他のお客様のご迷惑になりますので Apologies, but this is disturbing the other customers... (sfx) ム… grr... [3/14] 休憩いってきますー I'm taking my break. はーい お疲れ様ー Alright. Good work today. (sfx) ガチャ ka-chak …ストーカー? ...Stalking me? 違う! No! [4/14] 最近学校で見かけなかったから I just haven't seen you around school lately. その…どうしてるのかと思って… That is...I was wondering what was going on... 礼央さんに聞いてないの? Reo-san hasn't told you? (sfx) ムッ gr! 聞いてないけど Well, no, she hasn't. 学校は辞めたの I dropped out. [5/14] 今はバイトしながら礼央さんと一緒に住んでる Now, I'm working part-time and living with Reo-san. はぁ⁉ What‽ 学校辞めてバイト⁉ You dropped out of school‽ それでどうするつもりなの? What are you thinking? 将来は? What about your future? 安東さんにおんぶに抱っこでいきてくつもり? You gonna keep leeching off of Andou-san? そんなのわかんないけど… I don't know about that... [6/14] ただ礼央さんの傍にいたいだけだから But I just want to be by Reo-san's side. はぁぁぁ⁉ Whaaaat‽ なんなの? What gives? この主体性のない恋愛脳のバカ女は‼ This stupid, lovestruck girl with no independence!! 非合理的で感情的で Illogical and emotional... 私が1番嫌いな人種だ… My least favorite kind of person... …礼央さんが ...Reo-san... [7/14] 礼央さんが私のこと邪魔になったら消えるよ Reo-san will vanish once I get in the way. (sfx) イラァ… rage 人間は煙じゃないの!消えられないの! People aren't smoke! They can't just vanish! 安東さんと別れたって生きてかなきゃいけないでしょ‼ You have to keep living even if you and Andou-san split up, don't you‽ って言いたかったけどやめた That's what I wanted to say, but I left off. [8/14 (7.jpeg)] まぁ いいわ Well, whatever. よく考えたら私には関係ないし When I really think about it, it's none of my business. 時間とらせてごめんなさい Sorry for taking your time. もうこのお店にも来ないから I won't be coming back to this shop. えっ Huh? そうなの? Really? [9/14] まだ来てよ Come back again. 私のせいでお客さん減ったら困るし It won't be good if we lose patrons because of me. [10/14 (9.jpeg)] この子のこんな棘のない笑顔を初めて見て I'd never seen such a thornless smile on this girl before. 本当に綺麗な子なんだって改めて思った It changed my mind—she's really a pretty girl. まっ 余計に腹立つだけなんだけど Anyway, I'm just getting riled up for no reason. (flt) 美人は得よねー Good things come to the good-looking. 高瀬さん! Takase-san! (flt) おはよ! Morning! あ 安東さん Oh! Andou-san! [11/14] おはようございます Good morning. 昨日茗子に会ったんだって? I hear you ran into Meiko yesterday? 茗子から聞いた She told me. お店で会ってちょっと喋ったって Said you ran into her at her shop and chatted a bit. ええ Um... まぁ… I guess... 嬉しいな I'm glad! あの子 あんまり友だちいないからさ She doesn't have many friends, you know. 仲良くしてやってよ Be a pal for her, 'kay? [12/14] 嫌です No. えっ Huh? (sfx) ポカーン gape (sfx) ハッ gasp す…すみません! I...I'm so sorry! (flt) あはは Ah ha ha ビックリしたぁ Man, that was a shock! [13/14] いいと思うよ I think that's fine. よくわかんないけど素直な感じがして I don't quite get it, but it felt authentic. 高瀬さん可愛いとこあるんだ So you do have your cute points. [14/14] 茗子もなー And so does Meiko... (flt)もうちょっと可愛げがあればなー If only she were a little more likable... 愛想ないからバイト先の人とうまくやれてるか心配なんだよね She isn't sociable, so I'm worried the people where she works might not treat her right. 危ない 危ない Oh, no, this is bad. また バカみるとこだった More stupid crap. (flt) この人たちのイチャイチャもうたくさん! They fawn over each other so damn much! あの子人づき合い苦手だからさ She's not good around people, you know? 何言ってんすかもう大人なのに What are you saying? She's a grown-up already! 安東さんは過保護すぎます! You're overprotective, Andou-san! そーかなー You think so...?