Kimi ni Tsumugu Chapter 11 by Yasaka Shuu translated by schuyguy Page 01 Text その先にお願う事はー。 What are their hopes for the future? Page 02 Top Panel Bubbles 懐かしいなあ This brings me back. 塾通ってた時 気分転換にって よく一緒に散歩 したよね We used to go on walks like this as a study break back when we were going to cram school. Sign 浜辺つ 公園 Hamabetsu Park Middle Panels Bubbles ...それで? ... So? 聞いて欲しい ことって? You said you had something you wanted to talk about? Bottom Panel SFX スッ "unfold" Page 新人舞台企画 主演オーディション 募集要頂詳細 ?ウト・紹介での一次審査後、二次審査通過者を決定。 ?け追加資料審査を行います。三次審査は面接および ?審査にて所属の合否を決定いたします。選考 ?下詳細を確認下さい。 Newcomer Theater Project Lead Role Audition Selection Process ??? After prelimanary selection by scouts and referrals, there will be a decision on those advancing to the second round of judging. ??? based on examination of the supplemental materials. The third round will be conducted by interview as well as by ??? Please see below for details on the requirements. [If this doesn't line up with the gaps, let me know and I can come up with some nonsense to fit the page. All the important points come up in Yuuki's dialogue on the next page, so this isn't critical to put on the page.] Page 03 Top Right Panels Right Bubble なになに? 芸能プロダクション 共同主催... What's this? Talent agency co-sponsored... Left Bubbles 新人舞台企画 newcomer theater project 主演ー オーディション...! lead role... audition—! Top Left Panel Right Bubble 受けることにした I've decided to apply. その事務所の人が 前に舞台を観に来て くれたらしくて Apparently some people from that agency came to see our last performance 受けてみて 欲しいって and they said they'd like me to apply. Middle Panel Right Bubbles えー Wow! しかもこれ 主演に 決まったら And if you get accepted as the lead, 事務所にも 所属出来るって ことだよね!? that means they'll sign you to their agency, right!? SFX ガタ "jump" Left Bubbles ついに 来たーっ We finally made it! とんかつ 食べ行こ!! チキンカツ でもいいかな!? Let's go out for pork cutlets! I wonder, will chicken cutlets work? 担げるもんは 担いどこ Let's try out every charm! [Note: it's common in Japan to eat pork cutlet rice bowls ("katsudon") before exams. "Katsu" is also the word for "win".] Bottom Right Panel Bubble ...あと もう一つ ... Also, one more thing. Bottom Left Panel Right Bubble これは...舞台の パンフレット? This... is a theater program? Left Bubble ...4年前のー!! ... From four years ago— Program 立花 遥香 (高1) Tachibana Haruka (1st year) Page 04 Top Right Panel Bubble ー今日の舞台 めちゃくちゃ よかったです!! The play today was so awesome!! Upper Top Left Panel Right Bubbles あなたのお芝居を観て なんか心にブワーッて 鳥肌が立ったみたいに... Watching your performance made my heart pound, it gave me goosebumps— うまく言えないんです けどっ... 感動しました!! I'm not explaining it very well but... I was so moved! Left Bubble こんな気持ちを 動かされるなんて 久しぶりで... It's been so long since anything's made me feel this way... Lower Top Left Panel Bubbles 舞台に立ってた 姿がすっっごく 眩しくて... You were sooo dazzling up there... それをどうしても 直接あなたに 伝えたくて...! I just had to come tell you in person! Bottom Right Panels Right Bubble ー嬉しいです I'm glad you liked it! Left Bubble ありがとう ございます Thank you. Bottom Center Panel Upper Bubble あなたも演劇 やってるの? Do you also do theater? Lower Bubbles あ はいっ Oh, yes. 今は中学の部活 だけですけど Though just in my middle school's theater club. Bottom Left Panel Program [these are just a list of names, doesn't seem relevant. I think this is just a list of whoever appeared on stage in unnamed roles. I don't know if you need to put anything here. Maybe just the headings to let the readers know what this is? Or we could just put a note. Presumably one of these names, I'm guessing a female high school second year, is going to show up later as the girl Haruka poisoned to steal the lead role, or whatever it is that haunts her.] ・女性アンサンブル・ Women's Ensemble Cast 高3 村田桃華 勝浦舞美 前野祐希 山内芽衣 High School 3rd Years Murata Momoka, Katsuura Maimi, Maeno Yuuki, Yamauchi Mei 高2 上島夏子 小沢あ?? 中村すみれ 吉高?? High School 2nd Years Kamishima Natsuko, Ozawa A??, Nakamura Sumire, Yoshitaka ?? 高1 飯坂由乃 中木?? High School 1st Years Iizaka Yuno, Nakagi 中3 秋庭美穂 和田?? 神崎真衣 岡本?? Middle School 3rd Years Akiba Miho, Wada ??, Kanzaki Mai, Okamoto ?? 中2 藤原悠 伊藤??  Middle School 2nd Years Fujihara Yuu, Itou ?? 中1 櫻井早希 長?? Middle School 1st Years Sakurai Saki, Naga?? ・男性アンサンブル・  Men's Ensemble Cast 高3 上里春樹 High School 3rd Years Kamisato Haruki 高2 佐久間徹 High School 2nd Years Sakuma Akira 高1 山田裕太 High School 1st Years Yamada Yuuta 中3 福本義弘 Middle School 3rd Years Fukumoto Yoshihiro 中2  相馬?? Middle School 2nd Years Souma ?? 中1 ??洋介 Middle School 1st Years ?? Yousuke [Okay, so I know I said this is irrelevant and we should just leave it out, but then I decided it'd be good practice at reading names to just write out all of them anyways. Now I know that it's worse than irrelevant: I had to choose between 2 or more common readings for 90% of these names (plus there are some that are cut-off or illegible), so even if we did include them, we're very likely to get them wrong, which probably doesn't matter but might if any of these people show up later. So yeah, don't worry about this.] Bubbles こういう 部活じゃない 外の劇団で An non-school troupe like this one 役者は学生だけ ってのはなんか... すごいですね with just students for actors... it's really impressive. Page 05 Top Right Panel Bubbles 部活は色んな モチベーションの 人がいるし大会が あって大変だし In a school club, you've got people with all different levels of motivation. And the competitions are very intense. 部活だって すごいよ School theater clubs can be impressive too. Middle Right Panel Right Bubble どこの 学校? Where do you go to school? Left Bubble 今度あなたの お芝居も観て みたいなー I'd like to go see one of your plays next time. Top Left Panel Upper Bubble 見せられない ですよ... I can't show you... Lower Bubble え? Huh? Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles ...実は今 ... The truth is, スランプって いうか... I'm in a bit of a slump right now. Left Bubble あんまりうまく いってなくて... I'm not doing very well... Bottom Left Panels Upper Bubble そうだったんだ... Oh, is that so... Lower Bubble ...-私 I... Page 06 Top Right Panels Bubbles 自分が 嫌いなんです I don't like myself. だから自分じゃない 誰かになれる演劇を 好きになった... I fell in love with theater because it lets me become someone else. Top Left Panel Bubble 舞台の上には 世界があってー There's a world upon the stage... Middle Panels Right Bubbles ただの女の子にしか なれない自分なんて そこにいない... And in that world, I'm not just some girl. 綺麗なお姫様にみ 強いヒーローにも 何にでもなれることが 嬉しくて楽しくて I can be anyone, a beautiful princess, or a mighty hero. It's super fun. Left Bubble ずっと誰かの 人生を生きてきた ...生きてこられた I get to spend that time living someone else's life... or, I could. Bottom Panels Right Bubble でも... 最近 思うように いかなくなって... But... recently, things aren't going like I hoped... Left Bubbles もう... I... 舞台に立てない かもしれない I might not be able to act anymore. Page 07 Top Panel Right Bubbles 自分が嫌いで I lived as other people 誰かになって 生きてきたのに... because I hate myself... Left Bubble このまま舞台に 立てなくなったら 生きる意味なんてー But now, if I can't act anymore, then there's no point in living— Bottom Right Panel Bubble 自分のことも 好きになって あげてよ You have to like yourself too. Bottom Left Panels Upper Bubble あなたがいたから 舞台の上に生きられた 人がいるんだと思う I'm sure there are people who came to life on the stage because you were there. Lower Bubbles 今まであなたが 立ってきた舞台も 観てくれた人が 感じたことも... And all the audiences that've seen you perform... あなたがいたから 生まれたもの なんじゃないのかな their feelings came to life because you were there. Page 08 Top Right Panel Bubbles あなたが いなきゃ Without you, なにも 始まらないんだよ none of that happens. Top Left Panel Bubble 私も頑張るから... I'll work my hardest too, so... Upper Middle Panel Bubble いつか舞台で 会おうね let's meet on the stage someday! Lower Middle Panel Program [another new angle!] 立花 遥香 (高1) Tachibana Haruka (1st year) Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble ...いつか ... I couldn't give up Left Bubble 遥香と舞台で 会いたいって夢 諦めなかった that dream of standing on the stage with Haruka someday. Bottom Left Panel Bubble でもそのいつかは ...-来ない But that day... will never come. Page 09 Top Right Panel Right Bubble ーえ? Huh? Left Bubble 遥香の夢は 観客席から私を 見守ることだって Haruka's dream is to watch over me from the audience. Top Left Panels Upper Bubble この前私に 言ってくれた... That's what she told me... Lower Bubbles ...そっか... ... Oh. Middle Right Panel Bubbles 遥香に戻ってきて 欲しいって 私が勝手に望んでた だけなんだよね Haruka doesn't want to go back to acting, that's just my own wish. だからもう... So now... Upper Bottom Right Panel Bubbles 過去に何があって 演劇をやめたのか 遥香が黙ってるなら ...聞かない If she won't tell me what happened in her past that made her stop acting... then I won't ask. 知らない ままでいい I'll just accept not knowing. Lower Bottom Right Panel Bubble ...! ...! Bottom Left Panel Bubbles 「いつか同じ舞台に 立ちたい」って私の 一方的な希望のせいで What if our relationship were to fall apart もし今の関係まで 壊れちゃったら... って思うと怖くなった because of my own selfish desire? It scares me. Page 10 Top Panel Bubble 遥香の傍にいられる 今を失いたくない I don't want to lose what we have now. Bottom Right Panels SFX ザッ "step" Upper Bubble だからー この夢は終わり And so... this dream is over. SFX ガチャン "clang" Lower Bubble 私の中だけに しまっておく! I'll lock it up inside! Upper Bottom Left Panel Upper Bubble それで And now, SFX ザッ "spin" Lower Bubble ちゃんと役者として 生きていけるように 前見て進みます I'm going to keep looking forwards so I can live as an actor. Page 11 Upper Top Right Panel Bubbles 以上 報告 終わりです Nothing more to report. 夕貴には 聞いて ほしくて... Yuuki, I wanted you to hear that because— Lower Top Right Panel SFX ビュウウ "whoosh" Bubbles ー...って Ah! うわっ! Gah! Top Left Panel Bubbles あー Aaagh さっむ! So cold! もー こんな 寒い日に ホントごめん Ugh, I'm sorry for asking you out here on such a cold day. SFX ヒュウ "whoosh" Middle Panel Bubbles 菜央が本当に それでいいと 思ってるなら If you're really okay with that, 私もそれで いいと思う then so am I. Bottom Right Panel Bubble ...もちろん ... Of course I am. Bottom Left Panel Bubbles ーじゃあ... Then... SFX ガチャ "clang" Page 12 Top Right Panel Bubble なんで 泣いてんの Why are you crying? Top Left Panels Bubbles ...っ...— 泣いてなー I'm not crying— SFX ぐい "hug" Bottom Panels Bubbles 嘘つくなんて らしくない It's not like you to lie. 今の菜央には それでいいなんて 言えないよ... You can't honestly say you're okay with that... Page 13 Top Right Panel Right Bubble 菜央は遥香さんに 会って救われて Meeting Haruka is what saved you. Left Bubble 演劇を続けて きたんだよね... It's why you continued doing theater, right? Top Left Panels Bubbles 遥香さんと舞台に 立ちたいって夢は 叶わなかったけど... Your dream might not have come true, but... このまま全部 菜央の心の中だけに しまっちゃったらー If you keep quiet and shut all that away Middle Panels Bubbles これから先の 2人にとって then from now on, for you and Haruka, あの日のことは 無かったままだよ it'll be like that day never happened. Page 14 Top Right Panel Upper Box あの日 遥香に出会わ なかったら If I'd never met Haruka that day Lower Box 二度と舞台に 立てなかった かも知れない I might never have stood on stage again. Upper Top Left Panel Bubble 私... 遥香にまだ 言えてなかった I... I haven't been able to tell her yet. Text ...そうだ Oh... 遥香にずっと... 伝えたかったんだ I've... wanted to tell Haruka about it this whole time. Lower Top Left Panel Text それが今の私の 始まりー It's how I became the person I am today... Bubbles 憧れてたことも 救われたことも... All my admiration, the way she saved me, ありがとうも... my gratitude... Bottom Panel Text 私の大切な過去を 伝えられないままなんて... I'd never be able to tell her about these precious memories... 嫌だ No! Bubble なかったことに したくない...! I don't want that to go away! Page 15 Top Right Panels Bubble ありがとう 夕貴... Thanks Yuuki. SFX ぐっ "rub" Top Left Panel Bubble ...-私 決めた ... I've decided. Bottom Panels Right Bubbles オーディションに 受かってー I'll pass the audition, 遥香に言う and I'll tell Haruka. Left Bubble あの時の遥香が いたから今の私が いるんだって I'm here today because she was there for me then. Page 16 Lower Top Right Panel Right Bubble あ Oh, 来月末は結婚 記念碑の旅行で お店休みだからね at the end of next month, we're going on a trip for our anniversary, so the shop will be closed. Writing お土産 楽しみにしてるね I'll bring you some treats as a souvenir ♥ Left Bubble はい 楽しんで きてください Okay. I hope you have a good time! Top Left Panel Upper Bubble 遥香と 後輩ちゃんは... 付き合ってどの くらいだっけ? You and that kouahi of yours... how long have you been dating? Lower Bubble えーっと... Umm... Middle Panel Right Bubbles ーって... Wait— えっ!? Huh!? SFX ガタ ガタ "stagger" カアアア "fwoosh" Center Bubble なっ H— なんで...っ How did you— Left Bubbles 遥香 わかりやす かったもん Haruka, you're so easy to read やっぱり~ I knew it ♥ 最近からそうじゃ ないかと思って たんだよね I thought that might be it from the start. Bottom Right Panels Upper Bubbles ー自分も前に演劇 やってたってことは ... Have you been able to talk to her ...話せた? about how you used to act? Lower Bubble ...話せてません ... No, I haven't. Bottom Left Panel Bubble ...きっと これからも 言えないです And I think I never will. Text 遥香の心境の変化がー What caused Haruka's change of heart...? END