Morita-san is Taciturn Silence 99 ---[ 1 / 4 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_042.png ]--- TL Note: This chapter uses the original Japanese onomatopoeia because they are the topic of discussion. 森田真由女子高生 Morita Mayu, high school girl. f でもさー No, but... 人よりちょっぴり無口です A little more quiet than most people. f そこでズガンっといかなきゃ Ya gotta appear /zugan/ (feisty)! f でも… But... f そんなピリピリしなくてもー it's fine if it's not /piripiri/ (all neat)... f あんたいつもふらふらしてるから All this is because you're so /furafura/ (lax)! でも But, f 一度私がぎっちぎちにシメてやるよ Let me tie it up real /gicchi gichi/ (tight)! f やめてよ めちゃいじれちゃうよ― Stop it, you'll /mecha/ (seriously) piss me off. 心の中では何かを考えています in her mind she's thinking aplenty. 小野間さん上手だなぁ They sure are good with Onoma-sans. f わかりやすい… They use them so naturally. ---[ 2 / 4 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_043.png ]--- きっかけは友人の言葉 "Onoma-san" started like this... ねぇねぇ 聞いて― Hey, hey, listen up. すっごく格好いい人がいたの I saw this really cool guy! s きゃーきゃー Kyaa Kyaa どんな人? What's he like? f 判断してあげよう I'll judge. 瞳がキラキラして ふわーって感じのほんわりした人なんだけど His eyes are /kirakira/ (glittery) and his air is /fuwaa/ (fluffy) and /honwari/ (gentle). 試合になるとシュッとして背筋ピンってなるからキュンってしちゃったの But when the match started he was all like /shu/ (action) and his muscles all /pin/ (tensed up) and I was all /kyun/ (swoon). f 本当にドキドキしちゃった Seriously my heart went all /dokidoki/ (aflutter). あーわかんないかなぁ―この感じ― Aah, you guys can't tell what I mean, huh! f もどかしー How vexing! ++++++++++++++ 村越さんは擬声語が多いわね― Murakoshi-san used a lot of sound symbols, right? 牧先生 Maki-sensei. 擬声語? Sound symbols? 音や状態を言葉で表わしてるってことよー They're words that mimic sounds or feelings. 小野間さんトペさんよー In English they're called Onomatopoeia-san. f 小野間トペ87歳でございます Hello, I am Onoma Topoeia (87). s は? Huh?! あ ごめんなさい「さん」はいらないわー Ah, oops, I added "san" at the end. f 擬声語=オノマトペっていうのよねーーー It's just onomatopoeia in English. f ついつい It was unconscious. s あはは Ahaha. f どこのご長寿さんかと思いましたよ What old lady were you thinking of? ---[ 3 / 4 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_044.png ]--- 担任の牧先生は Maki-sensei is our homeroom teacher, f 擬態語と擬音語があってねー There are Onoma-sans for psychomimes (feelings) and phonomimes (sounds). 国語の先生で and Japanese teacher. f 効果音とかーー And also sound effects. f 先生―授業じゃないんですから Sensei, we don't need to know that complicated stuff! f 小野間さんがー Onoma-sans for this... f 小野間さんでー Onoma-sans for that... f 小野間さんだとー More Onoma-sans for those... f 洗脳だーー She looks brainwashed. f あーーもう小野間トペさんとしか思えなくなったよ― Aah, geez! Now all I can think of is Onoma Topoeia-san! f あらー Oh, my. 個性的な先生です She's a very peculiar teacher. +++++++++++++++ ちなみに動物の泣き声も小野間さんなのよねー By the way, animal sounds also fall under Onoma-sans. f もーー何が何だか… Geez, more still... にゃんにゃんとかわんわんとかね Like /nyan nyan/ and /wan wan/. f ほわ〜〜〜〜 Wooow f あーー Ah. でも外国だとまた違ってきちゃったりしてねー But other countries use different words still. f ミュウミュウとかバウバウとか Like /meow meow/ or /woof woof/. え?じゃあ But that means 2月22日の猫の日と11月1日の犬の日は… days like the Wanth of Wanwanber or the Nyanyanth of Nyanuary BG)2=にゃん 1=わん 2月22日 11月1日 1=Wan, 2=Nyan 1st of Month 11 (November), 22nd of Month 2 (February) f ざーんねーん Unfortunately not! 世界共通じゃないわねー aren't the same the world over. f 日本の団体が決めたのよ―― It's unique to Japan. ---[ 4 / 4 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_045.png ]--- まぁ言葉は言の端って言うから… Well, language is more than words, as they say... f 2月22日ならニィニィで子猫の日にすべきよね― It should be Ninith of Niuary like a little kitten. s ズキューン♡ Swoon ♡ 物事を伝える一つの方法なのよね― It's just one way to communicate ideas. 伝えられない曖昧な部分を―― And where words fell short, 小野間さんで補っているのかもしれないわねー I suppose Onoma-sans were invented! もんひゃりしてないでぴんからどっといこーよー Now stop /monhyari/ (dawdling) and get to work /pin kara do/ (in a flash). f あははは Ahaha. f どっと?もん? /do/? /mon/? 余計伝わらない… You don't need to communicate that. ++++++++++++ もんもんもんもん Ponder Ponder f とっぴん ぱらりのぷうは? Then what does /toppin parari no puu/ (ending on a high note) mean? f わかんない…日本昔話? I have no idea... Maybe old Japanese? 真由は小野間さん苦手だよね Mayu, you don't like Onoma-sans, do you? 森田さん小野間さんの事苦手らしいよ I heard Morita-san and Onama-san are fighting. へー Wow. でも 小野間さんて人うちのクラスにいたっけ?There isn't an Onoma-san in our class, is there? ん? Hmm. f 隣のクラス?他の学年にいるのかな? Maybe someone from another class or year? 噂にならずに消えました It died out before it became a rumor.