@ vim:bomb:spell:ff=dos http://safe.yuriproject.net/res/9062.html Morita-san wa Mukuchi Silence 103 ---[ 1 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_063.png ]--- 森田真由 女子高生 Morita Mayu, high schooler. 人からよく無口だねって言われますが Often described as being taciturn. リビドーってね 大事だと思うのよー So in my opinion, libido is very important! 好きで無口ではありません It's not that she wants to be taciturn. いきなり専門用語を出さないで下さい Don't throw technical terms at me. そういうのってあらゆる行動の原動力の一因になってるじゃないー It's exactly the driving force behind every human action, right? まぁ それは否定しませんが… Well, I don't deny that... なかなか入っていけないだけです It can just be tricky to join the conversation. f あー Oops. とりあえず今は手を動かしてください Anyway, let's concentrate on the work, all right? f 誰の手伝いなんですか And /we're/ helping /you/. ---[ 2 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_064.png ]--- 話はちょっと戻ります Earlier. 山本さん 放課後手伝いよろしくね~ Yamamoto-san, can you help me out after school? はい Sure. 後もう一人くらい欲しいかなー We need one more person... f んーー Hmm... s ガタ Rattle s ぎょろ Look s ざわ Murmur s ガタ Rattle s わーーおーー Whoa... s わら わら Chatter Chatter f 私ー Me! f 私が-- Me...? f 手伝おっか Guess I could help... f ヒマだし I'm free. …森田さん お願いねー Morita-san, please. f 書記だもんねー It's clerical work. s ざわざわ Murmur f いーなー How lucky for her. 山本委員長は女子にモテます Class rep Yamamoto is popular with the girls. f まゆーーいーなー Mayu, how nice. +++++++++++ ごめんなさい~遅れちゃったー Sorry for being late! s バン Bang マキ先生読んでおいて遅れないで下さいよ Maki-sensei, don't call others and be late yourself. f 何してたんですか? What were you doing? f えっとーえっとー Umm, umm... f あー Aah... s ほわ Pat 暖かい… Warm... f どーせどこかの窓辺でボーーっとしてたんじゃないですか?春だからって You were staring out a window again, huh? It's spring after all. f え? なんでわかったのーー??? Eh? How did you know? f ヨダレ Drool. ---[ 3 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_065.png ]--- f ったく Good grief. s ぱちん Tap 10時10分と8時20分ね~ 10 past 10, and 20 past 8. 何がですか? What's that? 眉毛ー Your eyebrows. f だから誰のせいだと Yes, and it's your fault. +++++++++++++ 山本さんは委員長にしておくのもったいないわよねー Yamamoto-san, your talents are too good for just class rep. f 何言って… Where is this going...? 今度 生徒会に入らない? You should join the student council. 面倒なんで Too much of a bother. 女子は全員味方よ~ All the girls will be your ally. f さっきすごかったじゃないーー♡ Wasn't the scene earlier impressive? ♡ あとの半分(男)は敵になっちゃうじゃないですか And the other half of the student body (the boys) will be my enemy. f あ そっかー Ah, I see... ---[ 4 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_066.png ]--- 山本さんが生徒会カー Yamamoto-san in the student council, hmm? やっぱり山本さんなら生徒会長で If Yamamoto-san were student council president, s もんもんもん Ponder Ponder f 私が生徒会代表だ 話を聞こう As representative of the student council you will listen to me! s もんもんもん Ponder Ponder いろんな問題をずばずば解決して… she would be able to resolve problems much quicker. 体育祭 文化祭は華やかになって More effort would go to the athletic and cultural festivals. s もん Ponder f 私が全責任をとる 実行だ I'll take responsibility. Put it in action! 校則とかも変えてくれて… School rules might change... s もんもん Ponder それからそれから And then, and then... s は〜〜♡ Haah ♡ s ぶ ぶ Bubble f やっぱ腕章してて~生徒会室では紅茶とケーキが…悪を懲らしめてー… Wearing an arm band, having black tea and cake in the student council room, punishing delinquents. f あの人なんか勝手に妄想してる気が… Did she just go off into a fantasy? 生徒会への歪んだ知識が膨れあがりました There's plenty of misinformation about the student council. f ねーー Right? ++++++++++++++ 先生が推薦してあげるよー? Sensei will endorse you. やりません No, thanks. も…もしかしたら C— could it be 私も誘われちゃうか…も? she'll ask... me? や~ダメダメ私なんかー No, I couldn't possibly... でも強引に誘われたら考えちゃうかも… But if she insisted I might consider... あれ? Um? あら~?そのケガどうしたのー? Oh my, how did you get that injury? f あこれは… Ah, this is... 一人で妄想してる間に 話が変わってました While she was off imagining things, the conversation changed. ---[ 5 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_067.png ]--- 恥ずかしー… Embarrassing... s かー Blush s シャーーッ Grrr うちの猫にやられました Our cat got me. f 痛そー Looks painful. もう大丈夫なんですけど やられた時は酷くって… It's fine now, but it was bad when it happened. 思いっきり爪立てられたんで Her nails were out all the way. すっごい血が出て肉がべろんて見えて The cut was deep enough to see flesh and it bled a lot. 焦ったらまた驚いてもう一回ギーって… I jumped up, scaring it and it cut me a second time... 森田さん? Morita-san? f どうしたの? What's wrong? 妄想の痛みで悶えてるのねー She's in agony from imagined pain... f 感受性が強い子ねー A really sensitive girl, isn't she? ++++++++++++++ 森田さんは本を呼んだりすると どっぷり入り込んじゃうタイプでショー? Morita-san, you're the type to really get absorbed into books, right? 先生もそうだから分かるわー Sensei is like that, too, so I can tell. 源氏物語とか古事記とか読むとやばいのよねー I get it bad when reading the Tale of Genji or the Kojiki. マキ先生ってロマンチストなんだな… Maki-sensei is a romanticist, isn't she? 古典ってエロいのよねー The classics are erotic, aren't they? f 原文がんばって読んじゃったーー♡ The original texts especially ♡ Difficult to read though. s はあー Haa だから国語教師になれたんですね Is that why you became a Japanese teacher? ---[ 6 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_068.png ]--- 人間の性への欲求って大事よ~? Sexual desire is important, you know! f Libido = 性的衝動 Libido = Sexual Drive s ぐ Clench まぁ…理解は出来ますが… Well, I get what you're saying... そういう欲求があるからこそ文化は発展するんですものー And it's exactly thanks to that desire, that culture blossomed. それもわかります……が I can see that... too. 今ここで話すことじゃないですよ But this isn't the place to discuss it. そおー? No? 森田さんが大変なことになってますので You're putting Morita-san under a lot of stress, it seems. s もんもん もやもや Ponder Ponder Worry Worry f 古典…よま…読まなきゃでも…あわ…あわあわ The classics... I must read them for school, but... Awa... Awawa 妄想力が働き過ぎちゃったかしらー Her imagination is working overtime. +++++++++ いつもは話しに入っていけないことを後悔することが多いんですが Usually when she couldn't enter a conversation, she regretted it afterwards, but... alt: Usually when I can't enter a conversation, I regret it afterwards, but... s はっ Hah! ねぇ 山本さん やっぱ生徒会に入らないー? So, Yamamoto-san, will you really not join the student council? なんでそんなに誘うんですか? Why are you so intent on inviting me? だってー Because... 私 生徒会の顧問だからー I'm the student council's advisor. 断固拒否致します Then I'll /really/ never join! f 冗談じゃない Don't kid me. f えーー いーじゃないーー♡ Eeh? But it'll be fun ♡ 今日は入らないで正解だったなと思いました Today, not entering the conversation was the best choice.