Morita-san is Taciturn Silence 102 ---[ 1 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_057.png ]--- 森田真由女子高生 Morita Mayu, high schooler. 人からちょっぴり無口だと言われてますが People say she's on the quiet side, but still... s ごそごそ Rummage f ビスケット系ケース&ストラップ A biscuit brand case and phone strap. s ふにゃ… Grin とてもわかりやすい子です she's very easy to read. 森田さん嬉しいんだ Morita-san is happy. 嬉しそう She looks happy. s にやにや Smile ---[ 2 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_058.png ]--- ホワイトデーに父からもらいました It was a present from Dad on White Day. 母とお揃いです Mom got the same one. こういうのが流行してると聞いてな I was told these are in fashion. どなたの間で? Who exactly told you that...? f え Eh... 受け取り方は違いましたが But the way we accepted them was different. f えっと…クラブの…人に…聞いて…えっと…でもあの… Umm... at the club... someone told me... But it was... f まあ… Oh my... +++++++++++++++ ドーナツと見せかけて Fake donut. メンディングテープ For magic tape. f 中に入ってます It goes inside. マカロンと見せかけて Fake macoron. コインケース It's a coin case. s かぱ Click チョコ? Did you get chocolate? 携帯ケースだよ It's a phone case. 周りにお菓子が溢れています Somehow we have lots of candy. 食べらんないけどね I can't eat it though. f 色違いもあるよー The color is different as well. ---[ 3 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_059.png ]--- s ニコニコニコニコ Grin Grin PAPER)全6種 コカリナシリーズ All 6 Kokarina series どうしたの? What's up? それ お菓子のオマケじゃん Is that a bonus you get with candy? ホワイトデーのお返しにもらったのー♡ It was a White Day gift ♡ 押し付けられただけじゃないの? Someone probably just wanted to get rid of it. f お返しがオマケって… A bonus item instead of candy isn't sincere... s オホホホ Ohoho! 違うもん You couldn't be more wrong. ++++++++++++++ 本当にお返しだもん It really was sincere. どーだか I'm not buying it. どういうシチュでもらったか言ってご覧 Let's hear the whole story. f Situation (maybe remove it) これやるよ Here, take this! s ぽーい Fwooi s ひゃあああ Hyaaa! って Like that. s きゃー Kyaa f かっこいー So cool! s きゃー Kyaa f もー♡♡ Goodness ♡ ♡ ほら やっぱり押し付けられたんじゃない What, they totally just wanted to get rid of it. ---[ 4 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_060.png ]--- f チョコイチゴゲット〜 I got a choco-strawberry. お前 意外と女々しいな Geez you can be effeminate. f カバンに付けとこ Attach it to my bag. ちげーよ こーゆーの持ってると女が釣れるんだよ No, y'see, it's bait to draw the attention of girls. ほら What'd I tell you. f あれかわいーー♡ My, how cute ♡ あれさーお菓子のオマケだよ― That's a bonus gift with candy, right? うわ 女子めっちゃ見てる Uwah, the girls are totally looking. でも They notice the bait... f 私チョコオレンジ持ってるよ I have a choco orange. f えーどこに売ってるの―? Eh? Where do they sell those? f あら? Um? 釣り人に用はない but have no need for the angler. ++++++++++++++++ あ ダブった Ah, another one. f またチョコイチゴだった Two choco strawberries. こーゆー時は… At times likes these... f 同じシリーズの持ってるだろ? You have one in this series, right? やるよ Take it. え? Eh? 何? What? 俺なんか悪い事した? Did I do something bad? f あ 違…ごめん…ありがと… Ah, no... Sorry... Thanks... ---[ 5 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_061.png ]--- 美樹〜 Miki... f 今のはナシでしょ That wasn't nice. いや だって 先輩の時とシチュが似ててさー… Yeah, it just reminded me of what happened with the Senpai. f 思わず比べちゃったんだよ… I compared it instinctively... s ガーンガーン Sulk 先輩との記憶が上書きされちゃったなぁ…って Like maybe I could overwrite the memory with the Senpai... s どん Flash これ見るたび思い出しちゃいそーでさ… Now seeing these gifts just brings it back up... じゃ 更に上書きして上げるわ Then, I'll help you overwrite the memory. 私ももらった I got one, too. f 他にも上げてた人いっぱいいたよ… There's plenty of others I want to give one to... s は? Hah! +++++++++++++++ 俺じゃ やっぱ ダメなんだな I'm... worthless, after all. そんなことないぞ That's not true. 俺はお前の大きく下に広がる心… Your heart may be crushed to dirt... 大好きだぜ But I still love it. s ふ Pff. あ… Ah... それ おめー 誉めてねーだろ What! You're not consoling me at all! f 下心だとー My heart is dirt?! s あはははは Ahahaha 当たり前だ バーカ 誰が誉めるかよ Of course, who'd console you, idiot. f 大丈夫そうだな… They'll be okay... ---[ 6 / 6 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_062.png ]--- そのクッキー可愛いね Cute cookie, right?. f 食べるのもったいなーい It'd be a shame to eat it. こーゆー雑貨があったら可愛いだろうね A trinket like that would be cute, right? f ストラップとかさーいーよね― A phone strap, maybe! 私もなんか I think I also 可愛いお菓子持ってたかな have some cute candy. s ごそごそ Rummage ずるめ Dried Squid …イカ Oh, it was squid. +++++++++++ ん? Hm? SIGN)発売中 On sale SIGN)ボシュウ! Apply! CUP) プリン Pudding お父さんだ It's Dad. f プリンアーモンドあんドーナツかりんとう塩せんべい酢こんぶ… Almond pudding, bean paste donuts, fried dough cake, salted rice crackers, pickled konbu... f わ 真由 Wah, Mayu. これって確か… These are all... s ひょこ Peek f これ改めてホワイトデーのお返し My second shot at returning White Day favors. f ちゃんと俺が選んだから… I picked them out myself... f あ…ありがとうございます Th― thank you. s どさ Fwom 全部お母さんの好物だ Mom's favorite foods.