One Night Friend by Kayako Japanese title: wan naito frurendo TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by —XX for example, page one is: —01 ### Panel numbers indicated by -X for example, panel one is: -1 ### sfx- means the following is a sound effect. ### hw- means the following is handwritten text. ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### This TL indexes on file number in case the page numbers don’t match. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. ### This middle story (which runs three chapters) has already been scanlated and is on dynasty. This TL contains the first and last stories, which complete the volume. —01 -1 One Night Friend —06 -1 Contents Chapter 1 One Night Friend Chapter 2 I Hate Things Like Love Chapter 3 Idora the Coward —07 -1 When I awoke… -2 One Night Friend There was a totally naked stranger next to me. —08 -1 Nyaagh My head! It’s gonna split open! Ow! I’ve got a goddamned hangover! sfx- Stab Did I get drunk…? And get carried away…? -2 Did I spend the night doin’ it… sfx- Yawn with this beautiful woman?! -3 sfx- Head Spinning We’re both naked… in the same futon. I can’t think of any other reason that we’d be… -4 Got a hangover? sfx- Th-thump sfx- Hyesh…. —09 -1 How about you get a drink of water or something? Y-yeah! I’ll, uh… just do that. -2 I can’t remember…! hw- Just what the hell is going on here? -3 My room’s such a mess… In any case, I must have brought her home after I got drunk. -4 Don’t tell me… This was my first lesbian experience…? -5 sfx- Siiigh Don’t wanna think about it. sfx- Uuugh -6 Um… Oh. Are you ok? —10 -1 Looks like I drank too much last night and crashed at your place. -2 No! I think I was dead drunk too, so… I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble. I’m going now. I’ve got to get to work. -3 Work… -4 8 O’clock hw- Just a bit before… Oh, no! Crap! -5 Wait! I must stink of booze, I’ve gotta do something… -6 Um… sfx- Whish Wait! —11 -1 Y’know…! I don’t remember anything! -2 I don’t remember much either… sfw- Whew That’s a relief! -3 I don’t really swing that way, so… if neither of us remember anything… Then we can say nothing happened, right? It’s better if we just go on our way, Okay? -4 Sure… -5 If that’s how you want to play it… —12 -1 sfx- Slam Ok, sorry to have troubled you. -2 Yeah. Nothing happened. Let’s just forget it. -3 The queen of late arrivals makes her appearance! How’s it going, Mayu? —12 -1 My head hurts, so gimme a break, please… And I did make it on time… barely… Oh? Looks like a hangover. Here, a goodie for you. sfx- Whish sfx- Drip -2 You’re my goddess! -3 But hey… Did you go hitting the bars alone again? Are you lonely or something? It’s not like I’m lonely. I just like to eat out and drink. -4 But you do seem a bit lonely. I mean, bars are a place to meet people, right? You sure that’s not what’s happening? -6 No way! What’s with that pause?! -7 Mmmn… It’s just my hunch, but… look, Mayu… —14 -1 Maybe it’s time to have some other interest in addition to geeking out on cosplay? Like, find someone to date or something? hw- You’re diving right back into your magazine sfx- Stare sfx- Ugh -2 If you’re making the rounds of the bars anyway, then how about getting a little buzz on then finding some guy to bring home? hw- “Oh! I’m soo drunk”… something like that. sfx- Cackle Uuugh… -3 There’s no way in hell I’m going to tell her I brought home a woman! -4 Nope. Don’t get in my way. I have a big event to prepare for this weekend. hw- I’ve got to go buy fabric today! You’re hopeless. hw- In any case, get to work! -5 But sheesh, I’ve really got to get a grip. I mean, I’m shocked that I would go and do something like that. —15 -1 I know I was shocked out of my mind, but… she must have been surprised too. -2 I hope that she can totally forget about it too… so it doesn’t weight her down. -3 But in any event, It’s not like I’m going to ever see here again. -4 Ah! —16 -1 Hi… Hi. -2 Soo awkward! Why did I have to run into her again?! sfx- Gaah! -3 Ugh… I can’t take the silence! -4 Ah… um… -5 Do you work around here? Huh? Ah, yeah. —17 -1 sfx- Smile Seriously? My workplace is close by too. -2 I see. -3 Did you make it on time this morning? I barely made it. What about you? -4 I have flex time, so no problem on my end. Whoa! I’m so jealous! Like, it would be impossible to be late! -5 I’m always just squeaking in. I mean, work is always there waiting for you, so what does it matter if you take the next train? Or the one after? -6 But me being me, I guess I’d be at risk of missing the core working hours. Heheh. —18 -1 You’re pretty funny. -3 Next customer! Ah… Well… -4 Bye, then. —19 -1 I ended up chatting with her… -2 We didn’t say much… but she seemed an easy person to talk to. Maybe we’re on the same wavelength or something? ###maybe you’re both lesbians… Maybe that’s why we ended up drinking together. And she’s got a cute smile. -3 hw- Mmmmm Well, I don’t remember a thing, so… -4 If she works around here, then we might bump into each other again, maybe… —20 -1 I should be ok with cutting the hair of my previous wig… but I should buy some indigo velvet. Huh? sfx- Katunk Kadunk -3 Ugh! There she is again! -4 Just how many times do I have to see her today? If it’s going to be like this, is it destiny or something? ###maybe you’re both just horny But, uh… —21 Her face sure is lovely. -2 If I look at here with my cosplay brain… Her features are to die for… With features like that… She’d look great as Ryuka-sama. hw- Ryuka-sama -3 Aagh, I wanna dress her up! ###and dress her down -4 sfx- Hnngh… I love her face! I really love her face! hw- I just noticed that! -5 Mm… Maybe it wasn’t just that… I got drunk, got carried away, and hit on her… —22 -1 No good. I just can’t remember. sfx- Hmmmm Next stop… Ah! I gotta get off! -2 But it feels like… I might be remembering something… sfx- Psssht -4 Same station. -5 Same direction. -6 Same street. —23 -1 Ahhh…. -2 Same destination… Fabrics ###2nd floor window Crafts: 1 - 2 World Yarns 3F Fabric Member Registration Get 5% Points ###can’t read the bottom sign -3 I’m starting to remember… Right. She was… —24 -5 I remember! You were… sfx- Jingle —25 -1 Anira-sama! I saw your phone strap and started talking to you! —26 -1 Correct! Ryuka-sama! -2 Ah, that’s Anira-sama! -4 Beam -5 I love Furokuru too! I can’t believe I found a fan here! That rocks! —27 -1 Yeah, Anira-chan is so cute. That’s Ryuka-sama, right? Yep! So regal and cool! and so totally beautiful! Nyeheh You’re so pretty… Do you want to drink together? -3 Ahahaha… What’s with that? You trying to hit on up? -4 You’re soo cute! sfx- Hick You’re kinda a weirdo, huh? -5 Ahahaha -6 OhMyGawd… —28 -1 I can’t believe you cosplay too! Too cool! Try this one next! I’m just your dress up doll now, huh? -2 sfx- Hmph! That’s exactly why I had you come over to my house! I’ve got to put that amazing face to good use! Yeah, yeah. -3 But that’s a heck of a costume. I couldn’t pull it off. It’s only for the young! I can only wear it ‘cause I’m drunk! sfx- Tah-dah -4 Wait. I uh, wore something really embarrassing, right? -5 Actually, Let me dig it up on my phone… it’s this shot… -6 Wut? Mayu Waaah! —29 -1 Erase it! Erase it! Erase it! Waaagh! I’m dyin’ here! -2 Oh, crap! Did I take photos too? That was yesterday, so… -3 A video?! Yesterday ###phone at bottom -4 Bip -5 Oh yeaaaah, I knew you’d look soo good in that! This rocks! Thank youuuu! I’m bowin’ down… -6 I made you dress up as Ryuka-sama… Score! This is just the best! —30 -1 Huh? You’re taking a video… I gotta while I have the chance! sfx- Speechless Gah, I was waay too drunk… -2 Ok, this is a warning to self - gotta stop drinking for a while… sfx- Nyaah Hey, hey, pose all cool like… -3 Huh? -4 Mayu Kyaaaa! hw- Mayu’s shriek -5 Oh shit… —31 -1 Uh, sorry… No, it’s my bad… Whump -2 Hey! Don’t sleep all naked! Your feet are all tangled in your costume! Hey, wake up! Hlk Aaand she just conked out. Can it get any worse than this? -3 Oh sheeeeet -4 I’m so sorry I put you through all that… Huh? No, don’t sweat it… -5 So from the start… I was the one who approached you. More like, I imposed myself while drunk… And then drug you to my place, and made you do crazy things… And took stupid video evidence of it all… Ah! I’ll erase this right now! sfx- Gaaaaaah —32 -1 I’m totally to blame here, and forgot everything.. and I went and said “we can say nothing happened, right?” Even so, here I am, chatting with you… -2 I forgot too, so don’t… Um! I promise I won’t do this again! -3 So… I’ll just take my leave… -4 Wait! —33 -1 Yeah, you did act kinda stupid, but… -2 Were you hating it when we woke up together? sfx- Shake Shake No! Not in the least! I just thought it might be something you’d want to forget! -3 So, uh… -4 I totally was on board with the “nothing happened” thing this morning —34 -1 But yeah, I don’t want it to end this way after all. -2 We’ve managed to meet a couple times… and I’ve enjoyed talking with you… -3 So to say “nothing happened” wouldn’t it be kind of a waste? -4 If it’s ok with you… How about we be friends? —35 -1 Huh? Friends? -2 So… no? -3 That… —36 -1 That’ll be my pleasure. -2 And that’s how… -3 The complete stranger I woke up next to became my friend. -4 Oh, come to think of it, what’s your name? -5 Ah… Right. I haven’t introduced myself yet. —37 -1 I’m Noshita Mayu. However… Kanmaki Sizuku. -2 Nice to meet you. But the word “friend” leaves me a little uneasy… -3 Why would she look so happy to be friends with a weirdo like me? ###boobs —38 -1 My heart won’t stop pounding… I’m not sure if I can just be friends with her… Because she’s so beautiful? -2 I’m not sure I can pull this off. —39 -1 We went right to cosplay. Shizuku sfx- Snap Snap So beautifuuuul! —40 -1 Shizuku-san, look a bit more up and to the left! sfx- Click Click Click Wait up. Why are you just taking pics of me? -2 Because it’s impossible not to! Mayu hw- Wearing a costume But were going to wear costumes that go together. sfx- Tee Hee -3 But your Ryuka-sama is just so good, that I don’t care about anything else! That’s a little much… hw- They were going to take pics together as characters from the same show -4 I want to take some pics of Princess Anira and Tsu-sho. That’d be really cute, so it’d be a waste not to. -5 If Ryuka-sama says so, then let’s do it! sfx- Throb The love Mayu has for Ryuka-sama is kinda scary sometimes… —41 -1 I’m getting bushed. How about we hit a cafe? Sounds good! -2 sfx- Staaare She’s totally staring at me. W-what? Ah! Sorry! -3 Eheheh… It’s just when I look at you, Shizuki-san, I just get really happy. hw- So I end up staring -4 So maybe it’s not just Ryuka-sama? -5 Gawd… I just said the most embarrassing thing ever. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. —123 -1 Idola the Coward ### I'm using the artist's own English title, but it may be more properly translated as "The Cowardly Idol". Idola is Spanish for idol. —124 -1 Mm…. Yeah, this sure is cute… -2 I’d love to have it… -3 C’mon! Just how old do you think you are? Act your age! sfx: Th-thump -4 A high schooler doesn’t get worked up about stuff like this! Oh, this totally rocks! --125 -1 Just when did “this” become inappropriate For me? -2 Yoshigaki-san I put together the alternate plan that got approved in the meeting. Can you check it, please? -3 Already!? You sure are fast. That’s so like you, Motonami-san. -4 Even though you came in midway through the project, you’ve been busting ass. It really helps out. No, it’s not a big deal, really… Right after your transfer ### handwritten -5 …ah, that is just like you. ### bold or italicize “is” --126 -1 Riri-san, you’re so coool! AmIright? ### there is a play on words going on here. Riri is Motonami-san’s first name, but the adjective Ririshii means “elegent/put together”. So stylish and pretty! When you talk about a woman who has it going on, here she is! That’s right! What’s with calling your senpai by her first name!? So coool ### handwritten -2 Whaaa? It’s fine, right, Riri-san? I don’t mind, but… If it’s my name… ### handwritten She’s so nice! Just Perfect! -3 I want to grow up to be just like Riri-san. I do! Right, Chika-chan-senpai? ### riding that rude-not rude line… Right? Right? ### handwritten Don’t ask me. --127 -1 But look, Time to get back to work? Whaa? Yeah, I’m going too. ### Handwritten -2 Yeah. -3 This is how it is. -4 I’m an adult too, so Have to act like it. -5 Dress like you should. -6 Knock out the work. --128 -1 Got to go on living this life. sfx: Haaaah -2 In an age appropriate way. -3 Cough —129 -1 Geez, this sucks! The smoke is leaking out! sfx: Cough -2 Even as an adult, I really don’t like this. sfx: ka-cha -3 Huh? -4 What are documents doing here? Someone forget them? No, no Who would it be? This shouldn’t happen… -5 sfx: Whoa Hah!? No way! This…! This list! This is our project’s… So that means…! --130 -1 Ah! Whew! She’s still here! That’s a relief! -2 Aaaaaah!!! Mah goodness, it’s not here! ### Motonami-san is stressed, and switches back to her kansai accent. I’m faking it by suggesting a US southern accent. Motonami-san sfx: Jolt -3 Ah can’t believe it! -4 Oh my! This is just awful! What ah’m gonna do? sfx: Frantic sfx: Sniffle Wait ‘a moment, Where could it be? Come, on! Remember…! -5 Mo… Motonami-san? -6 This is awful! Ah just transferred in! This is ‘a disaster! Ah’ll just die! --131 -1 It’s like seeing a completely different person… Riri-san when she’s not cool… Or something like that ### handwritten Um, Is this what you are looking for…? -2 Eh!? Ah! Yah! That! sfx: Whoosh -3 Just where did you find that!? Thank goodness!! Ah thought Ah was dun for! It was left in the smoking room… -4 Whaaa!? Just what did ah do!? -5 sfx: slump …haaah Oh my… --132 -1 Thank you… very much… sfx: Gloom Oh, she went back to normal. -2 …um, I’m sure you know this, but, It’s a good thing it was me that found that. You really should be more careful, ok…? Yes, I understand how serious this is… I’m very sorry… And… From a compliance standpoint… ### handwritten -3 You have a Kansai accent! ### Kansai is the area around Kyoto Hah? -4 I haven’t heard you use it since you came here. Aha… I just kinda lost my cool there… -5 But it slipped out… --133 -1 It’s embarrassing when it gets pointed out… ### nothing wrong with Kansai accent, it’s just not the “standard” accent you’d hear on the news. sfx: Blush -2 Oh? Cute! In any case, you must have just set that down, right? -3 Yes, if it was in the smoking room… Ok, I’ll pretend this didn’t happen. I’m heading home. What about you, Motonami-san? -4 Thanks for your work today. Ah… Yes, good work. -5 Aww, her Kansai accent was so cute. Seems like she’s reverted… --134 -1 Why doesn’t she just talk that way all the time? -2 That’s ‘cause ah’m just no No NO good! -3 I see… It’s just like yah said, Yoshigaki-san! It’s th’ real me! ### handwritten I get it. I get it. -4 Y’all won’t believe just how bad Ah’m at stuff… Ever since then, we’ve gotten a little closer. Sometimes we grab a drink on the way home. -5 When Ah speak like back home, Mah real self slips out. And then Ah get all sloppy ’n stuff… So Ah try to buckle down. Ahh… I see… ### handwritten --135 -1 But we’re not at work right now, So how about laying off the formal speech? ### she’s talking about politeness level here. After all, we joined at the same time. ### If you join the company at the same time, you are equals. Otherwise, the sempai-kohai dynamic exists. Oh, that’s right! Certainly! It’s been since the entrance ceremony, so my memory has become a little fuzzy. Me too. Haha… -2 But, formal speech! Aha… Mah bad. -3 But… -4 I think that You’re cute when you’re loosened up. It’s not what you’d expect. -5 Really? --136 -1 Ah feel that most people have been disappointed… -2 Ah seem put together on the outside, right? But… ‘cause of that, Ah just got dumped. -3 They got tah know the put together side ‘a me, Then after we dated for ‘a while Ah think they didn’t like me much after all. When Ah transferred, they were all “let’s end this”. -4 I see… I’m going to touch up my makeup. Whaaa? You’re just going home, right? Ah’m impressed! -5 Just my lipstick. Ah --137 -1 That pouch is so cute. Lovely! ### handwritten Eh? Really…? It’s kind of childish. Not the kind of thing a woman of my age should use. -2 So embarrassed ### handwritten Wha? Why? -3 You look good with it. Cute things are cute. So why not? -4 R… --138 -1 Really…? For sure! sfx: clench -3 I didn’t expect her to come out with that. -4 Riri-san is so cool. Like the epitome of what an adult should be. And I’m just a… -5 You look good with it. Cute things are cute. So why not? --139 -2 And… -3 Just when I was feeling moved, I come back and you’re all passed out? -4 What the hell? sfx: Snoore --140 -1 Hey! C’mon! Wake up already, Riri-san! Uuuuhn Time to go home! sfx: Shake Shake -2 Nnya Sorry… sorry. Did Ah fall asleep? I’m gone for just a few minutes and you’re sleeping like a log! Walk, already! Seriously, We’re cutting the last train close! ### handwritten Hookaay! -3 Here! Drink some water! You’re ‘a saint ### handwritten Thank you Nfufu Chika-chan, you’re so nice, huh? Sure, sure. -4 Such ‘a sweet mommy Ah’m gonna get spoiled! Nn… -5 C’mon! Hey, you drunk! Your train line is over there! Don’t you fall asleep! Make sure to get home! Hookaay, mommy! Stop with the mommy stuff! --141 -1 Ok, take care Sho nuff. -2 Chika-chan -3 Eheheh ### handwritten Ah so love you! -4 Geez! Shut it! Go home already! Bye bye -5 sfx: Turn That drunk! Is she going to make it home…? -6 This is no good --142 -1 This is no good! -2 I’m getting carried away. Even if she’s suddenly all like that… It’s different. Even if I fall in love, -3 My love is… No good. Wha? Really? --143 -1 Chika, You’re such a good girl! Thank you! Hehe -2 Chika, you should just date me! -3 …yeah -4 I want to date you I love you, Saya-chan. -5 Uum… Just what do you mean by that? -6 I… --144 -1 I mean that if I was a guy, I wouldn’t be able to leave you alone! If I was a guy, ok? Sorry to get you all confused. What the? Don’t surprise me like that. -2 I didn’t mean it like that. ###bold and italicize “that” -3 My “love” won’t be accepted. -4 You’re not a newbie. You must have been slacking off to make this mistake. -5 I’m sorry… --145 -1 Sigh -2 And look All this cute stuff is fine and all But make sure to focus on work, ok? Follow Motonami’s example, ok? You’re not a kid anymore. You’re an adult. -4 Bucho! That has nothing to do with… ### bucho = department chief My apologies. -5 It was completely my fault. I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen in the future. -6 That was going too far, right? -7 sfx: Pissed That had nothing to do with it! sfx: Shake ###at top Hmph! ### small sfx sfx- What’s that got to do with anything?! They can hear you ### handwritten Thanks, Nishina, but I’m ok. --146 -1 Ouch. That hit me where it hurts. Be-ba-deep -2 Riri-san Do you want to go out to eat -3 Um, hey, Is it ok that you only go out to eat with me? -4 What’s all this now? You sick ‘a me? ### handwritten sfx: Fretting Fretting No… look… You seem like you’d be popular, Riri-san. Seems like you’d get asked out a lot… Yes, but… Going out drinking with you is more fun, Chika-chan. -5 Ugh But you invited me out intending to comfort me, right? Are you a saint, Riri-san? You’re too nice, I’m shedding some tears here! Are you perfect!? -6 Thanks for trying to cover for me today. I wanted to throw it back in his face, but chickened out. --147 -1 I’m different from you, Riri-san So different… -2 Well, y’see… Ah’m not all that interested in being invited out. Eh? Ah'm talking about guys! -3 You still have a thing for your ex-boyfriend? Oh, back to that topic? ### handwritten Nnn… That’s over and done with, but… How do Ah put it… -4 Ah was dating ‘a girl. Sorry tah spring this on ya But Ah thought if it was you, it’d be ok --148 -1 How did… How you start dating? Mm… She was someone who ended up getting close to me, so I confessed… -2 Riri-san, you’re amazing! That takes so much courage! That takes even… Even more courage than normal! -3 Ah guess so… Right now Ah’m taken with you, so maybe I put my guard down. But I’m also… -4 If were to I fall in love She’s someone who could accept it, maybe… You also…? -5 But --149 -1 Really? -2 Even if Riri-san is ok with girls Accepting me? Accepting the things I love? There’s no way. Ah No, that’s… -3 I’m caught up in my own hobbies And that makes me… uneasy. Hobbies? -4 I’ve always loved cute things since I was a girl. But those things are only for little girls. -5 Whoa, That’s embarrassing! --150 -1 That lady is a bit old for that, right? -2 Just how old is too old I wonder? ### thought balloon Even if I liked it -3 Even if it was something that was ok before. I think I’m afraid of getting made fun of… I can’t just love it? Someday I want to be able to do what I want -4 Or that people won’t accept it… ### in balloon I can’t tell anyone about what I love -5 And now I made the vibe all weird. --151 -1 Hey, look… Ah’m sorry, ok? Eh…? -2 Sorry to dump something weird on you. Must gross you out, huh? -3 Why are you making that kind of face? -4 Please, just forget it… -5 Why? --152 -1 No! I love you Riri-san! -3 Chika-chan? It’s not just because you’re into women. --153 -1 I thought I shouldn’t fall in love. I thought it wouldn’t lead to anything good. I thought all sorts of things. -2 It got all messed up… I got scared. -3 But You were the one who should’ve been scared. But even so, you shared that with me. You shared… --154 -1 So let me say this to you, please. Seeing all sides of you - The Riri-san who is so cool at work. -2 The Riri-san who wants to be spoiled after drinking. And the Riri-san who panics over mistakes… -3 Knowing all that, it made me think how I love you. --155 -1 I love you, Riri-san. --156 -1 Aargh Chika-chan-senpai, help please! I’m not gonna finish this! If you have the will to finish, you’ll finish. That’s not helping! Waaah! -2 Ah Riri-san Help me, please! Hey! Don’t just go leaning on others! -3 So how far have you come with this? Yay! I knew you’d help, Riri-san --157 -1 If you try, you can do it! Give it your all! sfx: Pump -2 All you are doing is listening…? Aaaah -3 Spare the rod, spoil the child, right, Yokogaki-san? That’s right. Nishina, if you try, you’ll knock it out. Somehow… -4 You two sure seem to have gotten close. Or more like each other? ### Chika is wearing the hair clip she walked away from at the beginning of the story. sfx: Stare sfx: Erk R-really? -5 Hey, Riri-san, I think Chika-chan-sempai has gotten cuter recently. Do you know anything about that? sfx: Roll Roll I’m guessing she found some sweetheart. Hey! Just wait a…! -6 Hmmm? --158 -1 That’s a secret. Right? sfx: Bump —159 -1 Waaah! Chika-chaaan! sfx- Slam Riri-san?! What happened?! —160 -1 Just before I was heading home, the client demanded changes! And they said it was urgent! sfx- Wiped out Why now? Why couldn’t you have told me earlier? Ah, that really sucks. -2 We were supposed to go out tonight. I’m so sorry, Chika-chan. Work is work. What are you going to do? Ugh. -3 On the previous project, we were always working together. But on this one we don’t see each other at all. Well, our jobs are essentially the same. -4 You’re being kinda cold, Chika-chan. hw- That’s how it feels… -4 No, I’m not. -5 Are you made because I just barged in? hw- Like “how many times are you going to do this?!” After all this time? -6 Here. I knew you wouldn’t have eaten anything, Riri-san. sfx- Thump —161 -1 It’s nice and warm… sfx- Throb hw- Thanks for warming it up Right? Do you want rice as well? -2 Chika-chan… I want to come home to you. Can I? -3 No way. sfx- Dong Whaa? hw- It took all I had to ask that! —162 -1 Let’s find a place for the two of us, ok? So hang in there until then. Okay. -2 That day, she slept over. sfx- Cramped… —163 -1 Huh? Just what kind of afterward is this?! A manga afterword with too many words! Kayako Coming back to my senses after writing the afterword. -2 Nice to meet you! My name is Kayako. I’m sure you’re like “who the heck?”, so I drew this self intro manga. I’m a hamster! -3 After all sorts of things happened, I made my debut in the march issue in 2018. I drew a little bit over a year. One night friend. It’s my first tankoubon! -4 Two years ago I didn’t know anything about anything, but before I knew it, I was surprised I had drawn a lot! You want to draw for Yuri-hime? That Yuri-hime? ###bold and italicize “that’ Prior editor Someone who replied “don’t wanna” when asked if they want to work. -5 When you think hard about it, you only get one shot at drawing your first manga. Good job… ###vertical on side hw- It was 2nd So, One Night Friend was my 2nd work. I can admit it now. -6 Anyway! 2018 was tough! -7 And so, I, Kayako, am a corporate slave! A company employee! But when I was asked, I wanted to do both! -8 On my days off, It’s just work on the manuscript and get chores done! It’s like I never get a day off! I’m going crazy! And I only get XXX days off per year! Why did I even try this? It’s double work! Am I even sleeping? I normally need so much sleep! Drawing the storyboard at the company cafeteria, as seen through the eyes of co-workers. —164 -1 And among them is me, the yuri-loving company worker. hw- Friend I read Yuri-hime. You’re such a hard worker, Kayako-san, it was just like you. And the cosplay stuff too… What? Really? Well our company isn’t normal. What would a more realistic company even be like? Are you sick in the head? -2 Nyaaagh I wanna play! I wanna go clubbing! I wanna go travel! But love working too! But I need some time off! Someone close to a breakdown (currently recovering) -3 A word about each story -4 One Night Friend. One shot I wanna draw yuri where people can laugh just from me stumbling onto the stage. hw- That’s what I said as I draw it The title of One Night Friend implies something before One Night Love. But it’s possible that it may develop into love. I really liked the title so I used it for the volume. The manga is a little erotic, but bumbling. My friend said “did you really come up with this story, Kayako?” It seems like it’s so unlike me as to raise doubt. -5 And as you’ve read this volume, you might have guessed that I really like boobs! Even though it’s wholesome, you draw everyone so stacked it’s like a adult manga! sfx- Ngh hw- This was said to me -6 I Hate Things Like Love Short serialization (3 chapters) I said I wanted to draw the backstory and their future, and before I knew it had become a short series. I went three chapters hw- Well, duh hw- Well intentioned air headed bitch. hw- Into subculture, faking innocence, also a bitch. I wanted draw a story about two bitches! But I worried about if people would like it. But girls who get their bitch on are so cute! And so I started dragging conflict into the story. I believe it’s righteous yuri. hw- I created them as 1st years, but they ended up 2nd years. —165 -1 You don’t have to read this ###above panel. does this also mean I don’t have to translate it? The concept of males in Yuri is a delicate issue and I had to make a number of changes. Takano-senpai is a sleaze ball. I took a risk with Eimi’s idiot kick being cathartic, but the reception seems to be favorable, so thank you. -2 Well, we do live in a world where there are both men and women, but I have chosen you who just happens to be the same sex. Beyond that, it’s how you act - for good or for bad, and how you change me just by being there, how we proceed, how we stop… I think all of that is simply delicious. (Well, opinions vary) -3 Idora the Coward One Shot I wanted to explore “just what is appropriate here?” Same age, same workplace. Designers in their 30’s. Once the theme was decided, the title was a tentative one, but I liked it so much I kept it. -4 Since I have been writing stories about older women, when it came time to put out a volume, I thought “let’s focus on adult yuri!” It’s a little calculating, but the result was this self produced volume. I love Loli and JK too! -5 And one thing I am super thankful for is Fan letters! I never expected letters to come to a no-name newbie. When they did… Huh? Is one of my friends writing in as “Sakura”? That’s what I shouted, but of course I was wrong. -6 When I found time to respond, I was all This is so fun! ###bubble I couldn’t see survey results, but I got to see people’s reactions. It really made me soo happy. I tried to answer as many as I had time for, but I’m sorry if I didn’t get to yours -7 This scene is like, whatever. After talking about the scene where Chika-chan is called “Chika-chan-senpai”, a younger friend said… Hey, hey, Kaya-chan-senpai… Normally “Kayako” ###arrow -8 Wha? Are you goofing on me? Hysterical ###on hamster Huh? It was an accident -9 Will we see a Saya-chan spin-off in the next volume? Nope You’d totally see it in BL Really? -10 They were goofing on me But that’s a form of love too I would be happy for any letters if you loved my work. Kayako I’m on Twitter —166 -1 This was how she first looked. It’s not like she’s glaring at you. Minimal expressions. Kanmaki Shizuku Character Sheet -2 One Night Friend Kayako’s Short Story Collection -3 Otaku. Cosplayer. Often raises a ruckus. She puts on weight easily, so she’s focused on maintaining her figure. sfx- Whyyy?! Don’t stop me ###lower right Lots of gag faces Ryuka-samaaaa I love my fave! ###upper left Noshita Mayu Q: Was there something with the up and down in the names? A: That’s what I originally intended, but… ### underline “originally” ### This refers to the fact that Kanmaki has the kanji for “up” and Noshita has the kanji for “down” in their names. —167 -1 Sakashita Eimi University freshman hw- Wears heels Komiya Yuu The inside of her hair is dyed green. hw- Wears flats Changes hobbies frequently ###upper left bubble Wears Loli brands ###vertical 3rd grade ###bubble Investigator ###underlined Wants to look fashionable. Suddenly changes fashions with the seasons. If something’s trendy, she wants in on it. Motonami is a common name in Osaka… or it should be… ###Left Motonami RiRi ###Vertical But women are just cute all the time ###small text Can women in their 30’s dress the way the want? Yoshigaki Chika Has the feel of a Loli that grew up unchanged. The kind where if you meet her after a couple of years, you’d go “you haven’t changed at all!” But she does have big boobs. ###bottom right She seems to have lots of openings (or is she making you think that?), but it’s all for the sake of Yuu-chan. She doesn’t have any other friends besides Yuu-chan. She doesn’t need any. She’s got more capacity to hang in there than Yuu-chan, and is better at school, but for some reason she went to the same college as Yuu-chan. ###Underline “for some reason” I wonder why. She’s someone who doesn’t want to change. Loli Eimi ###bottom right