My Female Friend Comes Home to Me Every Now and Again Tsuirogu by Arai Sumiko TL by boke ### TL notes indicated by hash tags like this: ### ### Page numbers indicated by —XX for example, page one is: —01 ### Panel numbers indicated by -X for example, panel one is: -1 ### sfx- means the following is a sound effect. ### hw- means the following is handwritten text. ### Unless otherwise noted, panel and text balloon flow is from upper right to lower left. ### This TL indexes on file number in case the page numbers don’t match. ### Sometimes my comments are snark or color, so feel free to ignore those. ###Raws are available on Arai’s Pixv: ######This is collection of shorts and side stories, but not a direct continuation of chapters 1 and 2 which have already been scanlated. —03 -1 My Female Friend Comes Home to Me Every Now and Again Tsuirogu ###Tsuirogu is short for Twitter Blog -2 Utako (24) Spends her time backpacking and only occasionally comes back to Japan. Doesn’t make long term lovers. Loves to play around. She’s a looker, but has a rough and tumble personality. Good at cooking. Akira (32) Works full time at an advertising agency. Corporate drone. Plunging into her 6th year with her boyfriend. Has never really understood why sexual desire is a thing, but Uta is in her strike zone. Or so it seems. Aki-chan ###photo Uta ###photo —03 -2 Aki-chaaan. -3 Not getting in the bath yet? Mm? Ah… I just have to finish this email. You said that over an hour ago. Hm? -4 This is BS. She’s totally started on tomorrow’s work. —04 -1 Ok, then! I’ve already gone and run the bath… so, I’ll get in first. Mm…? -3 Gyaaa! Aki-chan! I screwed up when filling the tub! -4 Huh? What happened? Guh. It’s all cold for some reason. What? You run the bath every time you stay over, Uta… —05 -1 You probably just mixed up the hot and cold… -2 …Whew. I lied. So there. —06 -1 You totally are Ms. cool working so late into the night, but… -2 Right now… -3 While don’t you take a breather. With me. -4 Y’know what? —06 -1 I suddenly don’t give a shit about work any more. Oh, you… -2 All it takes is getting in the bath. —08 -1 sfx- sliiide Oh? Here you are. Hm? -2 You found me! Aren’t you cold? Nuh-uh. It’s nice and cool. Feels good. -4 Is that tobacco? Yeah! The hand rolled kind. —09 -1 I used to smoke in college, but I think it’s the first time I’ve seen a hand rolled one. Really? It’s the main way they do it in Europe. It’s simple once you get used to rolling them. hw- See? -2 Put the tobacco on the rolling paper… -3 Put a filter on one end… And wrap it tight. Then finally… -5 OhMyGod… —10 -1 Here! All done! Wanna try a puff, Aki-chan? I’m flushing… sfx- Blush -2 Well… Just one puff then I’m done. Really? It’s stronger than the kind that comes in packs. -2 Want me to light you up? It’s fine. I’ll do it. I’d be too embarrassed to have her see my face. -3 Flick Pwah —11 -2 Ah… sfx- Pheeew -3 Yeah, it does seem a bit strong. —12 -1 Hey, Aki-chan… Mm? Do you smoke in front of your boyfriend? Wha? No, I told you I haven’t smoked since college. Hmm… —14 -1 Ok, so moving on to our next segment… sfx- Zzz Riding a current wave of popularity, actor Hasegawa Ataru has a photo book out! It’ll be on sale on the 24th, right? -2 That’s right. It’s a collection of casual, everyday shots. You have to see this! Hase ###tv It’s totally like we’re living together. I’m pumped for this! -3 Hmm… Yeah, I give him that’s he’s cool, but… he looks kinda shady. Doesn’t do it for me. -4 hw- I just don’t get kids nowadays. Snerk —15 -1 Huh…? Did I fall asleep? Totally. I’ve got an early day. Let’s go to bed. sfx- Click Yeah… -2 I haven’t seen my boyfriend’s daily life in how long now? I guess after 30, your interest in that grow faint, I guess… -3 Yeah. Time to sleep. -4 …chan Aki-chan! sfx- Wha —16 -1 Morning. It’s six. -2 Are eggs ok? Scrambled? sfx- Throb …yeah. -3 Hm? -4 Track three… doors are closing… -5 Has Utako already arrived? I guess I’ll give her a call. sfx- Clamor Clamor Ah! —17 -1 Over here! Good job today. -2 Throb Huh? -3 hw- Let’s go to the market That’s… Just what was that? -4 Splash Clink -5 Ah, sorry Uta, I’ll come help out… hw- This is in the way —18 -1 Throb Hm? I’m done once I was this. It’s fine, ok? This is kinda… -3 Mmm Yeaaah, saffron’s pretty expensive… -4 Well, Cleopatra did use this, after all. Wha? Wow, that’s got some history. Yup, yup. If we don’t use up what we bought, you’ll just store it away. So we’d better make a lot of stuff. -5 C’mon… Can you quit with the things that are gonna get me fat? —19 -1 Hm? You figured it out? -2 Throb Ah. I get it now. -3 So nice… Huh? (LOL) What is? The flavor? …the flavor. —21 -1 “If you’ve got any talent, it’s for mimicking people’s expressions”. She often tells me that. It’s not like I’m proud of it, but I can read people in a heartbeat. -2 She’s glaring at something. Work, maybe? Trouble of some kind? -3 I got it. -4 It’s that thing, yesterday, right? So your boyfriend apologized? —22 -1 hw- Thanks for the meal Yeah, it finally lit a fire under his butt and he contacted me. He’s left me hanging because of work any number of times before. Well, I’m a workaholic too, so I get it. He had something urgent come up and had to cancel. -2 It’s the day after our anniversary. But even if he’s all “I’ll wait at the restaurant as long as it takes for you to forgive me”… -3 See? I knew it. Just come to her house, you fucker. -4 I knew it was him. Ah, But more importantly, what did you want to see tonight? On the way home, I bought some popcorn. -5 Just go. —23 -1 It’s an important day. Go see him. -2 Wha? -3 sfx- Pit Pat No! We said we’d watch a movie tonight… We can see one anytime, ok? Look, if you don’t get a move on, the restaurant will close. -4 No, I wanted… Hey! Don’t push me, Uta! sfx- Clatter C’mon, Get changed already! sfx- Slam —24 -1 Ka-chak -2 Is this ok? Well, this is all I have, so… Pit Pat -3 I couldn’t do anything about the bags under my eyes… -4 What? Do I look funny? -5 Mm-nn. —25 -1 Aki-chan, you’re so beautiful. You always are. -2 Ah… Th-thanks… -4 And so! sfx- Jolt sfx- Fwish -5 Getta move on! Your boy’s already crying into his third beer by now! U-Utako! —26 -1 I’m sorry. Really… Let’s watch our movie tomorrow. -2 Ka-cha Of course! Have a good time! -3 K-chud -4 …ah… sfx- Whump —27 -2 Yeah, ok. Tinder… Tinder… -3 Utako (24) A cowardly slut totally acting out. Ah, they look good… —28 -3 A room where you can’t leave until you play Twister. —28 -1 Cheers! Cheers! -2 Good job on getting through twelve days in a row! sfx- Totally knackered… Thanks… I don’t want to use my brain for a damn thing this weekend. -3 Click -4 Well, what movie do you wanna watch? There’s too many choices on Netflix. I get sleepy before I can pick something. —29 -1 Ah… This movie had some buzz about it. -2 sfx- Glance But it’s horror, right? I don’t think we’ve watched this kind of thing together. hw- Should we watch this one? -3 But I could use this as an excuse to… -4 Snuggle with her, maybe. If we were to watch this one… -5 Mm, but… But Aki-chan might not be into this stuff… But! -6 Aki-chan… —30 -1 Right now I want an excuse. Wanna watch it? -2 What do I do now? -3 This is gonna work just fine. —31 -1 sfx- Ahh… When you get to this age, you’re more afraid of the things you can’t see. There’s so many awful things in the world, your brain locks up. Getting your pension taken away Dealing with family Classmates all rushing to get married Deadlines getting pushed up Works in an advertising agency. 32 years old. -2 No set employment. Backpacker. 24 years old. This stuff’s so far from the horrors of reality, it just makes you laugh. Since I’ve never experienced that, I’m like, a clown? Really? sfx- Heh Being refused entry to a country Having your passport taken Getting involved with a cult before you realize it -4 But, y’know… —32 -1 Tangle -2 Lean -3 It’s… -4 It’s scary… —33 -1 sfx- Blush Oh, that’s just not fair… -2 So not good with horror, Aki-chan? Mm, well, not my fav. What about you, Uta? I’m scared! sfx- Hug -3 Well, at least your voice’s fine… hw- Didn’t take long for them to snuggle up. The End —34 -1 Why do you dry your socks individually? Huh? Well, it’s like a game of concentration when it comes to folding them. Fun, right? Akira ###box The kind to pair socks when hanging them to dry. They kind to hang them individually. —35 -1 K-chud sfx- Pit Pat -2 Ah! Aki-chan, welcome… sfx- Pit -3 Home… Ah, yes, this is Higashi. Thanks for your help earlier. Yes… I’ve previously received confirmation from the other party. Yes, it’s in line with what we discussed previously… -4 sfx- Squeek Whoa, seems like her work’s in a uproar. She did said a big photo shoot’s coming up soon… —36 -1 Right. The model’s haircut… At times like these, Aki-chan never breaks to eat. The styling is… -2 I wish there was something I could to help her out. Mm… sfx- Thump But coffee might be the thing… -3 Whew, the end is finally in sight. What in the hell am I even working for…? sfx- Frazzled Siiiiigh… —37 -1 Ah… Utako. -2 Throb -3 Ok, I’ll just finish this and then take a bath. -4 Creak -5 Mm…? —38 -1 Aki-chan? You done? Ah, you were able to take a bath. That’s great. -2 You never eat when you’re busy, but your dinner’s in the fridge. sfx- Grasp -4 C’mere. -5 hw- Well, it is your bed after all (LOL) -6 Ah… Seriously… sfx- Throb —39 -1 I don’t even know which one of us is older anymore. Early morning? Want me to wake you up? No… I’m going to take a slow morning. Uta, thanks for everything. You bet! She’s always the same. Wants to be taken care of when she’s tired and her brain’s not working anymore (LOL). -2 She’s okay with it now, but right after they met, Utako would always blush. Hngh… Huh? WhaWhaWha? Aki-chan, what’s up?! Are you feeling ok?! —41 -1 Hey, Aki-chan, the onions are… sfx- Ka-cha Ah. Wagh! Hey! Knock or something! Whaa? Sorry, my bad. But you’ve really got pale skin… Hey… sxf- Stride Stride Stride It looks like it’d be so nice to touch. I could lick… How can you just say stuff like that?! hw- And why are you coming in?! ###sexual desire, duh —42 -1 Hey, Uta… Where’s that recipe book we bought earlier… sfx- Ka-cha Ah! Sorry! Huh? No prob. The recipe book? It’s on the shelf under the TV… Uh, look. You should be more embarrassed here. Huh? C’mon, you’ve seen me naked multiple times already. You wanna get in the bath together? …(I do.) —45 -1 Aki-chan Utako