[109/147 (109.png)] あれ以来 Afterwards あの子は安東さんにくっついてこなくなった She stopped clinging to Andou-san. 話はしてるみたいだけど It looked like they were still speaking, 前みたいに一緒にいようとしない But she wasn't trying to be together like before 学校にいるときは When she was at school 取り巻きの一人だった男子学生と過ごしているみたいだ It looked like she was spending her time with a male student from her entourage. 最終話 Final Chapter [110/147 (110.png)] 安藤さん… Andou-san... 大丈夫 I'm fine. きっとこれでよかっただよ I'm sure this is a good thing. [111/147 (111.png)] あのままの関係じゃきっと壊れてた The way it was, I'm sure our relationship was breaking down. このまま あの男の子とちゃんとつき合って This way, if she goes steady with that boy 幸せになってくれればそれで… And becomes happy... 茗子は電話をかけても出ないことが多くなって Meiko doesn't much pick up the phone anymore, even when I call her (phone) 茗子 Meiko (phone)し中 lling (phone)留守録 recording 留守番号話サービスに接続します… Now connecting to the voice mail service... [112/147 (112.png)] 心配になって家まで行っても居留守を使われた Even when I got worried and went to her place, she gave me the cold shoulder 灯りはついてる… けど… The lights are on... But... たまに電話に出ても会話は途切れる And on the rare occasion she does pick up the phone, she cuts the conversation short 久しぶり It's been a while. ちゃんとご飯たべてる? You eating solid meals? うん Yeah. 食べてるよ I am. そっか Okay. [113/147 (113.png)] だから So 心配しないで Don't worry. (sfx) プッ bip (phone) 通話終了 call finished 仕方がない I had no choice 私が手を離した I let go あの子を見放したんだ I had to give up on her 私と離れたほうがあの子のためだったんだ… It's in her best interest to grow apart from me... (sfx) バサ flap 私は私のことに集中しよう I have to concentrate on my own things [114/147 (114.png)] そうじゃないとなんのためにこうしたのかわからない Otherwise, all that I've done would be meaningless. それからは穏やかな日々が続いた From then on, the days that passed were calm 学校に行き ゼミの友だちと一緒に勉強をして I went to school and studied together with friends from class. 家でも勉強をして Studied at home, too (book) 発展する Developing たまに息抜きで友だちと遊んだりする And occasionally took a break and hung out with friends これが普通なのかな I guess this must be normal [115/147 (115.png)] 茗子といたときの感情の浮き沈みが嘘みたい… It's like the emotional highs and lows from when I was with Meiko were a lie... ストレスは少なくてすむなー My stress levels are almost nothing now. でも But 平坦すぎて It's too normal 生きてるか死んでるかわからない気持ちになるけど I'm starting to feel like I don't know if I'm living or dying [116/147 (116.png)] 世界から色がなくなったみたい… It's like the color is gone from the world... [117/147 (117.png)] (sfx) ピンポーン ding dong 久しぶりに来てみたけど… It's been a while since I stopped by... 茗子 嫌がるかな I wonder if Meiko hates me now. 留守…? Not home...? え? What? [118/147 (118.png)] カーテンがない…? No curtains...? (sfx) ダッ dash [119/147 (119.png)] どういうことーー…? What's going on...? ああ Yeah. あいつ学校やめて実家帰るって She said she was quitting school and moving back home. どうして… Why...? 知らないっすよ I dunno, man. 君はその… Weren't you... 茗子とつき合ってたんじゃないの? The guy going out with Meiko? つき合ってないですよ We weren't going out. 俺は好きだったけど… I did like her... [120/147 (120.png)] 俺と一緒にいたのはきっと楽だったからじゃないですかね But I'm sure she must have been with me because it was easy. 俺あんまりごり押しでつき合って とか言わないようにしてたから I was trying not to twist her arm and tell her to go out with me and stuff. (sfx) ガタン タタン ka-chunk ka-chonk [121/147 (121.png)] 私が奴隷をやめる決心をして I made up my mind to stop being a slave そのせいで茗子は心を閉ざした And because of it, Meiko closed her heart off そのとき 私の心にも恐れが生まれた At that time, fear crept into my heart, as well. 『奴隷じゃないならいらない』と茗子に捨てられるんじゃないかって "Won't Meiko think I'm useless and toss me aside if I'm not her slave?" 心を閉ざした茗子を追いかけることもなく I didn't even chase after Meiko once she closed off her heart 『私と離れて彼氏でも作ったほうが…』なんて綺麗事で I just glossed over it saying, "She's better off growing apart from me and finding a boyfriend" 恐がってる自分を守っていただけだったんだ I was only protecting my terrified self だから So あのタイミングで茗子から手を離したのは自分のためでもあった Letting go of Meiko right then was in my own interest, too. [122/147 (122.png)] 捨てられたと思ったのは茗子のほうだ Meiko's the one who thought she was tossed aside (nameplate) 柿崎 Kakizaki ごめんなさい あの子いま留守にしてて I'm sorry, she's not in right now. そうですか… Oh, I see... 桜… Cherry blossoms... もうそんな季節か… That season already...? [123/147 (123.png)] そういえば Now that I think about it この道 なつかしいな This street really brings back memories 毎日この道を通って怪我してた茗子を家まで送った Every day, I walked with the injured Meiko home down this street あの事件が起こる日までは… Until the day it happened... レオってライオンって意味よね Reo means Leo, Lion, right? 高潔な感じがしてすっごく似合ってる It's got a noble feel, and it suits you really well! 礼央さんが送ってくれるならずっとケガしてたいな If you're walking me home, Reo-san, I want to be injured forever 礼央さん Reo-san [124/147 (124.png)] ……っ ... 茗子と離れてからの日々は穏やかだったけどただ生きてただけ The days since I separated from Meiko have been calm, but I've only been barely alive 無感動だった They've been emotionless. 満開の桜を見てもなにも感じない Even now, looking at the cherry trees in full bloom, I feel nothing いつのまに When was it [125/147 (125.png)] 私はこんなふうになってしまったんだろうーー… That I became like this...? 礼央…さん…? Reo...san...? [126/147 (126.png)] [127/147 (127.png)] 茗子…? Meiko...? (sfx) びく twitch (sfx) ダッ dash 待って! Wait! [128/147 (128.png)] …礼央さんに… ...I don't... 話すことなんてなにもない…っ Have anything to say to you, Reo-san... [129/147 (129.png)] せ…せっかく… When...When here I am... ひとりでも大丈夫なように頑張ってるのに…っ Trying so hard to just make like I'm okay by myself... え… Huh...? どういうこと…? What do you mean...? …私はあんな歪んだ方法でしか礼央さんに傍にいてもらえない ...Reo-san, I could be by your side only in that twisted way. でも本当はわかってたんだよ But I understood the truth. [130/147 (130.png)] 礼央さんに人生の邪魔してるって… That I was a drag on your life... ごめん 茗子…! I'm sorry, Meiko...! そんなふうに思われちゃってたんだな… So that's how you thought of it... 茗子をひとりにしたかったわけじゃないよ…! Meiko, I wasn't trying to leave you by yourself...! [131/147 (131.png)] 礼央さんはやさしいからそう言ってくれるけど… You say that because you're kind... いつか彼氏ができたりもっと仲のいい友だちができたりして礼央さんは私をひとりにするよ But you would have eventually gotten a boyfriend, or made friends you were closer with, and left me by myself. だからそうなる前に So before you did あの事件にかこつけて礼央さんを縛ってやろうって思ってたけど… I thought I would use what happened as an excuse to chain you up, but... やっぱりダメだね It didn't work, did it? そんな不自然な関係続かないや An unnatural relationship like that just doesn't last. [132/147 (132.png)] 礼央さんが好きよ Reo-san, I love you. [133/147 (133.png)] 私なんかの言いなりにならない The Reo-san that doesn't go along with whatever I say 高潔で女のくせに無駄にイケメンな礼央さんが… More noble and handsome than any girl has a right to be... 今まで縛っちゃってごめんね I'm sorry I've kept you in chains until now. [134/147 (134.png)] そうだよ That's right. 私は茗子の言いなりになんかならない I won't just go along with whatever you say, Meiko. [135/147 (135.png)] だからこの手も離さない Therefore, I won't let go of this hand. ……っ ... なんで そういうこというの…? Why Are you saying this...? 期待 させないで… Don't get my hopes up... [136/147 (136.png)] [137/147 (137.png)] [138/147 (138.png)] この道… This street... なつかしいよね Brings back memories, hmm? うん Yeah. 私にとってはあの事件があった場所でもあるけど… But for me, it's the place where it happened, as well... ごめん…! Sorry...! いいよ It's all right. それより… More importantly... ひとつお願いがあるの I have a request. え? Hm? [139/147 (139.png)] 本当に If you really 私と一緒にいてくれる気があるなら… Feel like you want to be together with me... (sfx) プチ プチ snap snap ここでしてほしい I want to do it right here. [140/147 (140.png)] ちょ…っ Hold— 誰か来たら… If someone shows up... (sfx) バサ flap 大丈夫だよ It's okay. この道 ホントに人通りが少ないの その茂みに隠れちゃえば誰にでも気づかれない Not many people come down this street. If we hide in that thicket, no one will notice us. まあ だから犯罪が起こるんだろうけど… Though that's probably why crimes take place... あの日のことを上書きして I want to overwrite what happened that day 私も礼央さんが初めてだって思いたい And think of you as my first, too. 礼央さんが私に初めてをくれたみたいに Like you gave me your first. [141/147 (141.png)] 私も礼央さんに捧げたい I want to give myself completely to you, too, Reo-san. …わかった ...I understand. 予感がする I have a feeling [142/147 (142.png)] あの事件の前みたいに We can never go back 無邪気な二人にはもう戻れない To the innocent twosome we were before it happened (sfx) ピク spasm きっと I'm sure 一緒にいたらまた振りまわされて Once we're together, I'll be jerked around again 感情が絡みあったりねじれたりして 自分を見失う My emotions will get all tangled and wrenched about, and I'll lose sight of myself again. [143/147 (143.png)] でも But それでも離れられない Even so, I can't back away …礼央さん ...Reo-san 愛してる I love you so much. [144/147 (144.png)] そう… That's right... 知ってしまったらもう戻れない Once you've found out, you can't go back. 私も愛してるよ I love you, too 茗子 Meiko. [145/147 (145.png)] [146/147 (146.png)] [147/147 (147.png)] あとがき。 Afterword. はじめまして こんにちわ Hello It's good to meet you コダマナオコと申します My name is Kodama Naoko (sfx) ペコリ bow このたびは「不自由セカイ」をお手に取ってくださってありがとうございます Thank you for seeing fit to take "A World Without Freedom" into your hands 今回はまるっと書き下ろしということだったので自分の萌え要素を詰め込んでみました This time, I wrote the whole thing from scratch, so I packed it full of my personal elements of moe ・ウェーブロング美少女 ・Pretty girl with long, wavy hair ・ヤンデレ ・Yandere ・巨乳 ・Big tits ・高身長イケメン少女 ・Tall, handsome girl ・天然タラシ ・Unwitting ladykiller ・そしてドロドロの愛憎劇…! ・Therefore, love-hate, soap opera drama...! ドレイになってよ Be my slave. 私がレXプしてあげる Here, I'll r*pe you. はー 楽しかった! Man, that was fun! ドロドロ最高! The more soap opera-like, the better! ヤンデレは至高! The yandere is supreme! 萌えを叩きつけることができて大満足です I got to beat moe into it, and I'm thoroughly satisfied. あとは少しでもいいから Now, I don't mind if it's only slight (sfx) チラッ glance いるよね? 1人ぐらいはいるよね? There must be, right? There must be at least one person, right? (arrow) 小心者 timid この萌えに賛同してくれるかたがいてくれたら嬉しいです I'll be really happy if there's someone out there who approves of this moe 担当のノラさん、アシスタントのHさん、デザイナーさん、そしてよんでくださった皆様、本当にありがとうごさいました! To Nora-san, the chief; H-san, my assistant; the designer; and everyone who saw fit to read, I offer my heartfelt thanks!