General - I don't have an issue with the floating text font you chose, but I think we shouldn't use the same font for both SFX and floating dialogue. On p26 in particular, we go immediately from "Great work!" to "Clench..." with no font change, which seems a bit off to me. - I'm a bit torn on the way we're using expressive dialogue fonts throughout this chapter. This may come down to philisophical differences when approaching manga, but I'd like to explain my concerns with our approach and how I think it impacts the tone of the story, and how we may be unintentionally altering the characterization. So from what I've gathered, we've on many occasions added expressive text where there is none in the original. This is something a lot of scanlators do, and it'd be arrogant to pretend I know better than everyone else, but I think it can often be an overstep of our purpose as scanlators to tell the author's story in another language. Ultimately the author is aware of the effects the font changes have on the dialogue, and they've employed it the way they saw fit. Adding our own fonts can sometimes improve the experience, or worsen it, but the former is not our responsibility, and the latter is a failure of it. I think one unintended consequence of changing fonts would be on page 7, when Asahi comes home. The scene is set previously on page 3, where she's tiredly walking home, thinking about Fuuka and Hinako, and she's completely checked out. I think this may actually be a continuation from when we last see her towards the end of chapter 15. So when she comes home, it's like she's not even really there. She's just going through the motions while her mind is elsewhere. But when we change "I forgot..." and "Sorry..." to an expressive font, we're changing how she's saying these things. Instead of sounding withdrawn and flat, she sounds shaky and guilty. This, in my opinion, takes away from the scene, and from her characterization. I realize this may come off like I'm looking way too deeply into a few short lines of dialogue and how a minor font change affects it, and I apologize for being so long-winded about it, but I think little things like this are very important to get right. - Conversely, we're sometimes missing some expressive text that the original has. I think it'd be beneficial to make note of these fonts and decide what font's we're going to replace them with for consistency's sake. I'll try to get an image of the different fonts used in the original and send them to you. - So this is a small thing, but I'd like to hear your thoughts regarding the hyphenations on the SFX. I'm not against them necessarily, but I'm also not sure what they're meant to convey. To me, I read it like the sound effect itself is being interrupted by something else, so at times the hyphen gives an impression I don't think is intended, like p11's "pop—" or p20's "Stretch-". - Another (very very) small thing, I think we're sometimes mixing cases in our main dialogue font. In particular, I notice the capital E showing up when it shouldn't be. I really don't think anyone else will care, so you can just ignore this if you want, but I think it'd be best to keep all lowercase aside from crossbar I's. The capital E in particular is pretty ugly in this font. Page specific (Everything from this point on should also be on the Google Drive). p3 panel 2 "And / the one I / want to / see." -> "And / the one / I want / to see." p4-5 can be deleted in favour of the stitched spread. p7 panel 2, 4 "Welcome back." "Where are my gifties?" capitalized E's. panel 4-5 "I forgot..." "Sorry..." Originally in standard font. p8 "...Fuuka might..." "not..." " coming around anymore." I think this needs to be restructured, and we need to cut some of the ellipses. I'm not sure what's best. Maybe something like "Fuuka / might not... / be coming around anymore."? p9 panel 1 "HNK!" This is Asahi's dialogue I believe, so I think it would be better suited to a different font. "Fuuka-chan's like that." I think this sounds a bit awkward. Maybe something like "That's just how she is." Not sure if this is any better, though. p11 panel 1 doki doki x4 sfx missing "I bet..." "...this is about Asahi-san." We should remove one or both ellipses here. panel 4 "These feelings might come to and end." and->an p13 panel 4 "...I told Asahi that i loved her." missing crossbar I. Maybe move the first "...I" to it's own line as well? p14 panel 2 "I..." "See..." these are a bit large. panel 4 "huh?" "that's, uh..." need a shaky type font of some sort. I used to use VTC letterer pro with the leading reduced, but use whatever you like. p15 panel 1 I think the use of letter o matic isn't ideal here. We used it for a separate font earlier, so I think we should choose something else for Hinako's dialogue here. For Fuuka's bubble, I'd say just stick with wild words since it doesn't change from the original. panel 2 "Psyche!" This should be written in the main dialogue font. "..." This should be larger like the other ellipsis only bubbles. panel 3-5 The bubbles here should be in the main dialogue font. p16 panel 1 "You seem pretty upbeat..." move left slightly, maybe down as well panel 3 "Even if I was rejected,[...]" move right 1-2px "I still get / hungry." -> "I still / get / hungry." Not ideal, but I think it's preferable to the cramped feeling we have now. panel 4 "And Asahi said..." move left a bit. Maybe move the second text block down and right 1-2 px if it feels too cramped. "Slice-" I think we should use a calmer font for this SFX, and we should drop the hyphen. Right now, the SFX feels aggressive and suspenseful, rather than being a representation of absent mindedly eating while focusing on the conversation. panel 5 "So I can go hang out with those two again.," Accidental comma "So I / can go / hang out / with those / two again." -> "So I can / go hang / out with / those two / again." p17 panel 2 "Hinako- / chan, try / some!" -> "Hinako- / chan, / try / some!" I think it'd look a bit better less cramped, but use your best judgement. "もぐもぐ" missing sfx p18 panel 1 I don't think this is the right font for Fuuka's bubbles. I think Letter O Matic is appropriately playful, but it feels too forceful. I think a thinner font would be ideal here. Looking through my font list, I saw some options like Komika Slim and CC Scout McCloud, but use whatever you like. "Thank you..." "...for talking with me." We should drop one or both ellipses here. p19 panel 1-2 "I love people like that!" "I really do." "Okay!" I think these should all be in the standard dialogue font. p20 panel 1 "clicka clicka clik" I don't really like the way these are transliterated. I think something like "tak" or "click" would be better. panel 4 "stretch" I think this would look a bit better if it were rotated left, similar to how the original is. "Let's get to work," "just like nothing happened." Switch to narrative font. p21 panel 5 "Work mode." This font is a little too aggressive feeling. p22 panel 2 "Good work, everyone." I feel like this would sound better as "Good work today." or "Good work today, everyone." panel 3 "Hinako, I'm going to the powder room, ," missing crossbar I, remove space and comma on the last line, and starting from here through the remainder of the page, all instances of the letter E are capitalized. I'm inclined to agree with your assessment of "powder room". Very old fashioned. panel 4 "Ask me / all about it / tomorrow, / okay?" -> "Ask me all / about it / tomorrow, / okay?" panel 5 "Go for it!" might sound more natural as "Good luck!" or something along those lines. p23 panel 1 "I should / get going, too..." italicize panel 2 "i'm heading out." missing crossbar I "Good job, everyone." pull it a bit further out and make it a bit larger panel 3 "...Ah." Way too big, can be left in CC Wild Words p24 panel 1 "R- / Right." Hyphen to em dash (change hyphen to 200% width) "Good job." Same as before, I think this should be "Good work today." panel 3 "Swish" move the I a bit so it's not touching the W. panel 4 "nab—" I don't think this is the right word for this. Maybe "grab" or "cling" is better. panel 5 "Um..." "maybe, if it's okay with you..." I think this should stay in our standard dialogue font. p25 panel 1 "we could go home together?" I think this should stay in our standard dialogue font. panel 3 "Satou-san!" move up slightly panel 4 "Swip—" I think I'm partial to removing the em dash here. p25 panel 2 "Um," "I guess that..." Both can be made slightly smaller, ideally kept the same font size as one another. "I'll wait!" I think this should stay in our standard dialogue font. panel 3 "O- / Okay!" Hyphen to em dash, change font to whatever you went with when this JP font appeared on p15 panel 1. p27 panel 4 "ping" maybe make the stroke slightly thinner? panel 5 "Looks / like she's / coming next / week..." -> "Looks / like she's / coming / next / week..." While this shape isn't ideal, I think it's prefer to the cramped feeling we have now. p28 panel 1 "I thought you were on[...]" move left 1-2px "It seems / another / classmate / of mine has / gotten / married." -> "It seems / another / class- / mate of / mine has / gotten / married." Not certian this will look better, but the wideness of "of mine has" is throwing me off a bit. panel 2 "..." "...Marriage." This feels really awkward. I know there's not much to work with in the original, so we may just have to live with it, but something about it feels off. panel 3 ""Hinako, / since you / don't have / it together." -> ""Hinako, / since / you don't / have it / together," Relined to make it fit the bubble a bit better ""Hurry up and find someone to protect you." Stuff like that." remove opening quotation mark "Hurry up and / find someone / to protect / you." Stuff / like that." -> "Hurry up / and find / someone / to protect / you." Stuff / like that." "She's got no faith in me." Try to pull the text size in this bubble and the previous one closer together. The size jump is a bit jarring. p29 panel 1 "Before," " told me..." "...that you didn't understand love." Drop the first and third ellipsis. Looking at the sentence as one, we get "Before, told me... ...that you didn't understand love.", which is just way too much punctuation. "...that you dind't understand love." Maybe hyphenate under- / stand here? panel 2 "is that... / ...still true?" drop one or both ellipses. "is that..." move left a bit panel 3 "Right now..." move left a bit panel 4 "I think..." "...I get it a little." I think we can drop one or both ellipses here. p30 Both text blurbs can be made just a little bit smaller. "It happens to be a doughnut!" This sounds unnatural to me. Maybe something along the lines of "It's like a doughnut!" would sound a little more natural? p31 panel 4 "The shape of me," move up and left slightly "it's / just like a / doughnut." -> "it's just / like a / doughnut." This one is kind of preference, so if you prefer the former that's okay. panel 5 "There may be a hole right in the middle, but," move up a bit p32 panel 1 "That makes me think..." "...I could be in love." I think we should keep this in the standard dialogue font. Also, we can drop the second ellipsis imo. panel 3 Both boxes should be in the narration font p33 panel 2 "do you think..." move left slightly panel 3 "Someday," "a day may come where we might not be together." I think "someday a day may come" sounds redundant. It'd be nice to revisit this line. panel 4 "it'll come..." capitalized E "it'll come..." "...for certain." This feels a bit unnatural. Maybe something like "It will. For certain.", or "It will. I know it", or whatever. I'm not sure what would sound best. panel 5 いつか missing narration p34 panel 1 "Asahi-sans..." I don't think the ellipsis is helping us here. I think the box break does the job of adding a bit of suspense between the two blurbs. panel 2 "How sweet it would be," maybe change to "How sweet it'd be,"? The lining will be a bit better this way as well.