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File: Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 9.48.11 PM.png -(2021820 B, 894x1268) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2021820 No.26662  

The Avalon series rolls on with a anthology loosely themed around finding love. One chapter has already been scanlated, but I have translated the rest (with an exception notated in the TL). One short story and a variety of manga ranging from star gazing OLs to fakely fierce lone wolf school girls.


>> No.26663  
File: Avalon Bloom Anthology.txt -(63162 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Pseudo incest if you count a naked dragon girl as your daughter (after you've killed their mother); Height gap war fought with honest talk and sewing needles; and what happens when you stuff stalker-y hyper-competent codependent tsundere traits all into one school girl?

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